Ok, so i’ve been trying to get a LD for a loooooooooong time but with no success, I have become increasingly better at doing WILD as I no longer have any trouble with the roll over signal or itches for entering sp. So heres the problem i’m pretty sure I just slip straight into sp without any trouble after about 5-10 minutes, but the type of sleep paralysis I experience is one with the tingling and the feeling of heaviness and bodies parts feeling like they are not there, oh and the numbness. but the type of sp I experience is one where I can exit it in a second, does anyone else experience this and I lay there for about an hour waiting to enter a ld, does anyone know how I enter the ld from here and of course is the sp I am experiencing even sp. :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :confused: :cry:

“I lay there for about an hour waiting to enter a ld” without any success I meant to say.

Well if you are getting to the Sleep Paralysis it s already a good sign. One question still comes to my mind when I read your message: Aren t you trying too hard?

One important thing to be LDing is not to try to hard. 80% of my LDs now come from WILD, and I can say that everytime that I focus too much, nothing happens, I end up tired and finally roll on the side and fall asleep.

Thanks for posting,

Yeah I think you maybe right I am trying very hard to accomplish this, maybe you could give me some tips on WILD how do you accomplish it? best times to attempt it? signs that its going to work? ways to enter the dream or create it? thanks maybe next time I won’t try as hard. Thanks!!!


Sorry for taking so much time to answer.

I usually have 3 time to LD.
Nap time
Morning time after waking up a first time
Evening time when I m completely exhausted (after sports and a long day)

The 2 first are only for the WE or for vacations as I m usually not in shape to LD in the WE (Alcohol isn t helping at all for LD)

So I ll explain the evening once as I ve done 2 LDs this way this week.
Usually I start lying on the back (position in which I can barely sleep) and then I start repeating to myself “I dream, I will dream, I know that I m dreaming”
After a few moments I start seeing and hearing things as the dream world is settling around me.
Then I just keep repeating those words to myself and after a while I m just thinking “Wow I must be dreaming now!”

I might have forgotten smth this time as I wrote the post twice (didn t work out the first time) In case you succeed or need more tips, don t hesitate writing again :happy:

WILD in the evening is generally very difficult. When we first go to sleep for the night, we fall into a deeper sleep than we do in the morning or in a nap. It is very hard to squeeze lucidity out of the deep sleep phase in the first sleep cycle. I have managed to do this a couple of times, and the LDs coming from this feel mostly like “sitting and waiting in the dark”.

It is FAR easier after WBTB or in a nap. It also helps to be so sleepy that you fall asleep naturally while focusing on the forming dream images.

Congrats on post count Siiw!

Back on topic:
What Siiw wrote is generally true. However there are few exceptions.
Some people find it easier to WILD when they fall asleep quicker, but that’s EXTREMELY rare.

Therefore, you should try naps, different sleep schedules like Siiw suggested and see if it seems easier.