Lucidity Challenge 61 - Winner: Obfusc8

@Eilatan, Points are updated, nice calculation for the spaceman haha :wink:
@Susan_Y the ball was not unlocked yet so no points for this.

Points are updated

Not sure I’ll have time to write up DJ entries for the last couple of nights, as I had about 8 separate dreams last night! :eek: Maybe I’ll just summarise them or something later.

Tasks done -

On 6/12/2017 in the first dream I was back in Japan on a tour, specifically in Tokyo … riding on their rollercoaster like trains that weave through the skyscrapers. Yeah, dream Tokyo is even cooler than the RL one. :tongue:

On 7/12/2017 I dreamed of several different family members in various dreams. Dad almost caused a road accident, Mum was chatting to a guy who had brought round a racing exhaust for my motorbike.

In another dream I was in a computer game and wearing a suit of armour because I was a knight… the building did have places to sleep - I was lying on a bed trying to rest when a young woman asked me for help rescuing her friends from a dragon. Does that count as wearing a costume in a house?

Three dreams yesterday and one today.

Two DJ entries. No tasks.

2 ND’s on tuesday, DJ entry

1 ND today, DJ entry

(no tasks)

Just 1 ND here this morning. No tasks completed.

Just a generic red tape dream for me last night. Didn’t bother posting it, so no points. :content:

DJ link

1 ND. Lover’s Tiff

Non-lucid dream in which I wear a red-brown dress with a corset, and meet H.R. Giger. (A rather alarming genre crossover…)

I’l claim the points for wearing a costume inside a house and for a princess costume; it was close enough to Disney style, I think. I didn’t get to do the kiss task in this one.

I interacted with three dream characters while I was in costume, but I’m not sure if they were in costume too, so probably doesn’t count for the task,

Non-lucid dream in which I am kissed. It’s not clear if I was wearing a Disney costume at that point, so I won’t claim the points for that task.

A normal dream and a only-claiming-as-short DILD in which I got totally distracted by a certain red-head from Suits… no costumes involved though, so no tasks. :shy:

Family members is points?? Oh! Then i need to do some more DJ writing, have 2 nights of family members to claim in any case.

Only counts once though :grin:

Well that saves writing then :tongue:

Just 1 ND here this morning. No tasks completed.

Had 1 ND + 1 LD here this morning which at around 2-3 minutes long makes it a medium one for me. I notably saw the Cat in this as per its subtask. Almost completed my personal goal but got ejected from the LD too soon due to a loud scream within the LD.

New WEEK! I will update the scores beginning of next week as I am currently travelling and not on my own laptop. I still found the time to post the new Week.

[color=blue][size=150]Task unlocks:[/size][/color]
Based on unlock rule

the following LC61 participants are granted [color=blue]one[/color] task unlock within one day from this post:

  • James_UK2008
  • DTDownUnder
  • Obfusc8
  • Susan_Y
  • Eilatan
  • moogle
  • Qu

The valid unlock tasks list has been extended !

[spoiler]Objects (see a… - # of pts)
ðŸ“￾ Table - 5
💡 Lamp/bulb - 5
🖊ï¸￾ 🔓 Pen/pencil - 7
ðŸ“￾ Stapler - 7
🖼ï¸￾ 🔓 Painting - 7
ðŸ￾… Medal - 10
🖼ï¸￾ 🔓 Mirror - 10
🔨 Hammer - 5
ðŸ￾¨ Ice cream - 7

🚢 Ship - 5
✈ï¸￾ 🔓 Airplane - 5
🛴 Kick scooter - 7
🚲 Bicycle - 7
ðŸš￾ Helicopter - 7
📌 Excavator - 10
ðŸ￾￾ï¸￾ Sidecar - 10
🚇 Subway - 5
🚜 Tractor - 7

ðŸ￾œ Insect/Spider - 5
🦋 Butterfly - 5
ðŸ￾Ž Horse - 5
ðŸ￾‘ Sheep/goat - 5
🦅 Eagle - 5
ðŸ￾￾ Snake - 5
ðŸ￾¼ Panda - 7
ðŸ￾Š Crocodile - 7
ðŸ¦￾ Rhinoceros - 7
ðŸ￾… Tiger - 7
ðŸ￾’ Sloth - 7
ðŸ￾˜ Elephant - 7
🦌 Gazelle - 10
ðŸ￾¨ Koala - 10
ðŸ￾” Chicken/Rooster - 5
ðŸ￾– Pig - 5
🦌 Deer/Elk/Moose - 7

👨â€￾🔧 Mechanic - 5
👨â€￾🌾 Gardener - 5
👨â€￾ðŸ￾³ Cook/chef - 5
👩â€￾ðŸ￾³ Waiter - 5
💇 Hairdresser - 7
👩â€￾🎤 Singer/instrument player - 7
👨ðŸ￾￾ Beekeeper - 10

⛪ Church/temple - 5
🌆 City/town - 5
🌊 🔓 Water body - 5 (River/lake/sea/ocean)
ðŸ￾° Castle - 7
ðŸ￾”ï¸￾ Cave - 7
🎡 Theme park/luna park - 7
🌋 Volcano - 10
💧 🔓 Waterfalls - 10
🗼 Paris - 5
🇮🇹 Rome - 5
🗽 New York - 5
🌉 San Francisco - 5
🇧🇷 Rio de Janeiro - 5
🇯🇵 🔓 Tokyo - 5
🇨🇳 Beijing - 5
🇪🇬 Il Cairo - 5
🌉 Bridge - 5
ðŸ￾¬ Mall - 5
🚗 Garage - 5

[color=blue][size=150]Week 1 - Prepare LD4ALL party !
All Week 1 tasks remain valid ![/size][/color]

  • ✉ï¸￾ Invite someone to a party +20 pts (or dance. You can do it by a phone message, a letter, face to face, …)
  • 🎈 Decorate house for the party +20 pts (balloons, candles, garlands, … how will you do it ?)
  • ðŸ￾° Bring food and beverages to the party +30 pts (you need to enter a building having some food or beverage with you)
  • 📻 Turn music on +30 pts (hear any kind of music)
  • ðŸ￾ Clean the house for your guests +20 pts (clean the way you want, just let it shine!)
  • 🔑 Put a box for key +20pts(Don’t let people go back home driving if they had alcohol!)

[color=blue][size=150]Week 2 - LD4ALL Costume party ![/size][/color]
All Week 2 tasks remain valid ![/size][/color]

Friends are here, the house is wonderfully decorated, we’ve got plenty of food and drinks !
Now it’s time to wear costumes and have fun !

  • 👗 Wear a costume of any kind inside a house +20 pts

  • 👸 Dress as a princess +20 pts

    • 💋 Subtask: kiss or get kissed by a DC +10 pts
  • 💪 Dress as a superhero +20 pts

    • 🔥 Subtask: use a super-dream-hero-power +10 pts (power has to be linked to the costume you are wearing; e.g. Spider-man webs, Hulk super-strength, etc. if you are a generic superhero, any dream power will do)
  • ðŸ￾´â€￾☠ï¸￾ Dress as a Pirate +20 pts

    • ðŸ￾º Subtask: have an alcoholic drink +10 pts
  • 👨â€￾👧 While wearing a costume, interact with at least two more DC’s wearing costumes +30 pts

    • ðŸ¤￾ Subtask: At least one of the DC’s is a person you know in real life +10pts

[size=150]WEEK 3[/size]

Nothing in the world can ever be able to improve your morale and motivation than Chocolate !
Next stop in the LD4ALL party is a Chocolate party - get some good bites, you won’t gain weight in dreams !

[color=blue][size=150]Week 3 - LD4ALL Chocolate party ![/size][/color]

  • ðŸ￾ Be in a house made of chocolate/candy +20 pts
    • ðŸ￾ Subtask: Bite off a wall +20 pts
  • ðŸ￾Š Swim in a chocolate pool +20 pts
  • ðŸ￾¬ Offer candies to a DC and see his reaction +30pts
  • ðŸ￾ Meet a “living” chocolate DC (looking like an animal or person ) +30pts
    • ðŸ￾ Subtask: Bite it off ! +20pts

See a… - # of pts
🖼ï¸￾ Mirror - 10
🖼ï¸￾ Painting - 7
🖊ï¸￾ Pen/pencil - 7
💧 Waterfalls - 10
💺 Chair/Seat - 5
🇯🇵 Tokyo - 5
🌳 Park/woods/forest - 5
💻 Computer - 5
🌊 Water body - 5 (River/lake/sea/ocean)
✈ï¸￾ Airplane - 5
🚗 Car - 5
âš½ Ball - 5
💻 🔓 Computer - 5
📱 Phone - 5
ðŸ￾º Beer - 5
ðŸ￾• Dog - 5
🦎 Lizard/Gecko - 5
ðŸ￾ˆ Cat - 5
🌳 🔓 Park/woods/forest - 5
👨â€￾👩â€￾👧â€￾👦 Father/Mother/Sister/Brother - 5
🚆 Train - 5
👨â€￾🚀 Spaceman - 7
ðŸ￾œ Anteater - 10

I’ll unlock the Helicopter please.

I’ll unlock singer/instrument player.

For week 2, I have dream journal entries for all seven nights:

… making 13 journal entries so far.

Unlock town/city please.