Lucidity Challenge 61 - Winner: Obfusc8

Non-lucid dream in which I visit an underground archeological something or other. I won’t claim the temple task, as it wasn’t definitely a temple, although it looked a bit like it might be.

DJ entry

One ND - The Champion

Just one ND here this morning. No tasks completed.

All above posts have been taken into account

Scoreboard is updated

Non-lucid dreams in which I listen to Africa by Toto, watch a chef make a raspberry cake, and read a map.

No new tasks done, I think, as I’ve already claimed the music one. I had better recall of the music this time - I definitely could hear it properly.

There was some other minor stuff that I’ve left out because it was just boring. (Not because it was x-rated).

P.S. The German “Erdbeerkuchen” is a good match for the cake recipe.

I’ve had 2 short lucid dreams and a couple of ‘normal’ dreams in the last few days. No task completions, other than intentionally looking for a boat in one of the lucids, but not finding anything.

Several times I have opened a note editor to try and write the dreams up, but not got anywhere. Guess it’s time for a break. :meh:

Two dreams in one DJ entry.

No tasks. But i forgot to list the bridge in my dream two days ago!

Had 3 NDs here this morning. #1 notably had a train in it and #2 notably featured a car. (don’t think I’ve claimed these previously…)

All above posts have been taken into account

@james_uk2008 you had already claimed the car subtask, while I confirm the train is new

Scoreboard is updated

There is an error on my screen

It shows I have unlocked mirror, cat and bridge

but not the [size=150]church temple[/size].

I’ve added a drum tab to my dream journal entry for Tuesday. I claim the points for sheet music.

Non-lucid dream in which I’m sitting with a group of people at a table in a Parisian-style pavement café. I won’t claim the points for Paris, as the location wasn’t entirely clear, though it looked pretty like it. I also won’t claim the points for beer, as my recall isn’t very clear for what beverage people were drinking.

I dreamed about the costume party princess thing (not consciously on purpose) :eek: just when I’d given up on the whole thing due to lack of time for journaling. Almost forgot about it and wouldn’t have remembered if I hadn’t made a comment about being in a dream way later and trying to rack my brain about how the dream started. I will find time this morning to journal! BRB, chasing toddler…

Had 4 NDs here this morning. #1 notably included a phone (mobile) and #4 notably included a cat. On the score sheet, is there a list so I see what I’ve previously claimed?


then click your name on the table just below the score board

Non-lucid dream in which I buy ice cream. I’ll claim the points for the ice cream task.

Thanks for pointing that out moogle, fixed !
Also, thanks for helping out James with the subtasks list :smile:

Great !
Please note that, in addition, I have awarded you points for all the unclaimed DJ entries I found (for ref. last one I see is titled “Hacker”)

Selkie, sorry but it is not clear if and what sub-tasks you would like to claim
I am going to wait for your DJ entry and a more precise post with a clear list of your claims

All previous posts have been taken into account

[color=blue][size=150]Scoreboard is updated[/size][/color]

Dear participants, LC61 is about to end, last two nights of dream remaining ! :happy:

Full list of open tasks

[color=blue]Week 1 - Prepare LD4ALL party ![/color]

  • ✉ï¸￾ Invite someone to a party +20 pts (or dance. You can do it by a phone message, a letter, face to face, …)
  • 🎈 Decorate house for the party +20 pts (balloons, candles, garlands, … how will you do it ?)
  • ðŸ￾° Bring food and beverages to the party +30 pts (you need to enter a building having some food or beverage with you)
  • 📻 Turn music on +30 pts (hear any kind of music)
  • ðŸ￾ Clean the house for your guests +20 pts (clean the way you want, just let it shine!)
  • 🔑 Put a box for key +20pts(Don’t let people go back home driving if they had alcohol!)

[color=blue]Week 2 - LD4ALL Costume party ![/color]

  • 👗 Wear a costume of any kind inside a house +20 pts

  • 👸 Dress as a princess +20 pts

    • 💋 Subtask: kiss or get kissed by a DC +10 pts
  • 💪 Dress as a superhero +20 pts

    • 🔥 Subtask: use a super-dream-hero-power +10 pts
  • ðŸ￾´â€￾☠ï¸￾ Dress as a Pirate +20 pts

    • ðŸ￾º Subtask: have an alcoholic drink +10 pts (power has to be linked to the costume you are wearing; e.g. Spider-man webs, Hulk super-strength, etc. if you are a generic superhero, any dream power will do)
  • 👨â€￾👧 While wearing a costume, interact with at least two more DC’s wearing costumes +30 pts

    • ðŸ¤￾ Subtask: At least one of the DC’s is a person you know in real life +10pts

[color=blue]Week 3 - LD4ALL Chocolate party ![/color]

  • ðŸ￾ Be in a house made of chocolate/candy +20 pts
    • ðŸ￾ Subtask: Bite off a wall +20 pts
  • ðŸ￾Š Swim in a chocolate pool +20 pts
  • ðŸ￾¬ Offer candies to a DC and see his reaction +30pts
  • ðŸ￾ Meet a “living” chocolate DC (looking like an animal or person ) +30pts
    • ðŸ￾ Subtask: Bite it off ! +20pts

[color=blue]Week 4 - LD4ALL Christmas party ![/color]

🎄 Decorate a Xmas tree +30 pts
🎅ðŸ￾» Dress as Santa +20 pts
🛷 Be in a sled with some animals in front +30 pts (elks welcome, but any will do)
🔥ðŸŽ￾ Descend Chimney and leave present in the house +30 pts
🥂 Open bottle of champagne and pour at least one flute + 30 pts (any glass)
⛪ Go inside a church +20 pts (any temple)


See a… - # of pts
ðŸ“￾ Table - 5
🖼ï¸￾ Mirror - 10
🖼ï¸￾ Painting - 7
🖊ï¸￾ Pen/pencil - 7
ðŸ￾¨ Ice cream - 7
💧 Waterfalls - 10
💺 Chair/Seat - 5
🇯🇵 Tokyo - 5
🗼 Paris - 5
🌳 Park/woods/forest - 5
💻 Computer - 5
🌊 Water body - 5 (River/lake/sea/ocean)
✈ï¸￾ Airplane - 5
🚗 Car - 5
âš½ Ball - 5
📱 Phone - 5
ðŸ￾º Beer - 5
ðŸ￾• Dog - 5
🦎 Lizard/Gecko - 5
ðŸ￾ˆ Cat - 5
ðŸ￾œ Insect/Spider - 5
ðŸ￾Š Crocodile - 7
🦌 Deer/Elk/Moose - 7
👨â€￾👩â€￾👧â€￾👦 Father/Mother/Sister/Brother - 5
🚢 Ship - 5
🚆 Train - 5
👨â€￾🚀 Spaceman - 7
ðŸ￾œ Anteater - 10
ðŸ￾° Castle - 7
⛪ Church/temple - 5
🌆 City/town - 5
ðŸ￾¬ Mall - 5
🌉 Bridge - 5
ðŸš￾ Helicopter - 7
👩â€￾🎤 Singer/instrument player - 7

Please verify, I was assigned a dream worth 4 points. The DJ entry points to Susan’s DJ, but I have no claims.


I had a lucid dream!!! And I got to fly for the first time in my dreams, while lucid to boot!
I claim one LD : :content:
Fight or Flight

I claim the subtask;
mall - I was in a mall running away from the trainee wizards and trying not to be sucked into a vortex
city - I was in the city and got to fly over a burning city

Also, this has been a personal goal for a while. So this is the first personal goal that I’ve achieved! other than the personal goal of having a LD

Dj link

Friday 22 December
one ND - No RC Church and No RC!

Missed out on 25 points! Go inside a church +20 pts, Church/temple - 5 :thud: