The BIG VILD Topic - Part I

I’m good at visualizing things, and I think I have incubated dreams before. So I am going to try this out and I’ll post my success. I plan to actually draw out the room I’m going to be visualizing. I’m rather artistically inclined so I feel like it would help me. Especially to keep the image solid, It tends to fluxuate too much when I try to imagine it on my own. Especially the thing or person I want to tell me to do a reality check, I don’t want it randomly turning into something scary, because my mind has a tendency to do that. Too many horror movies :wink:

It sounds like a very good method, especially for people who naturally visualize things. I’m someone who uses daydreaming to relax before sleep as it is. Actually it’s very rare that I don’t daydream or visualize things while trying to sleep.

I found a interesting url:

This page is describing MILD like this:

Step 1.) Recall the dream you just had as completely as you can.
Step 2.) Tell yourself that you’re going to realize you’re dreaming during a dream and concentrate on just that fact. If your mind wanders, gently return to your task.
Step 3.) Replay the dream you just had but add a twist. Imagine that at some point you realize that it’s a dream for some reason (maybe seeing a dream-sign).
Step 4.) Repeat steps 2 and 3 until you think that you’re actually dreaming.

Am i wrong when i say this is almost like VILD? what is the difference… maybe somone have trouble visualizing things maybe can try this methode :smile:

When I posted VILD 50% of ppl thot it was just MILD. The whole thing behind VILD is visually incubating a specific dream scenario which forces RCs. Therefore a high chance of lucidity. MILD is completely different tech. Although I must say you are very corret! If someone has ban visualisation they should probably not try too much with VILD as it is mainly visualisaing skills needed! MILD would be a better choice for those ppl. I knew that when I posted VILD… VILD is only designed for me and is perfect for the way MY mind works. BUT I’m still sure that there are PARTS of my VILD that ppl can find useful even if they are among the ppl who can’t use VILD directly.

In a similar topic… I noticed that I always had more LDs when I tried MILD than WILD (before I developed VILD obviously!). Dunno why I mentioned that… what have you guys had more success with? MILD or WILD? I was gonna start trying WBTB in a few weeks but then I had my idea for VILD.

another question… when you say visualisation skills… I can create a dream easily in my HEAD… but not right at my eyelids… is that visualisation skills? or do you have to manage to get objects etc… directly at you eyelids… i can also visualate things in my head while my eyes is opened…

Visualisation skills is in your head but you imagine you can see them with your eyes. It doesn’t have to relate to the real world you can see. I could say “imagine a ball flew over that fence” and the ball you could visualise would half to appear from behind the fence… but I could also say “imagine your mother’s face” and you could probably just think of her face and nothing else as well… you don’t have to make her pop over the fence lol. So when ppl say visualisation skills yeah they mean its in your head… but it’s imaginging seeing it.

ok… so you mean that i dont have to directly see the images at my eyelids? If thats so… im pretty good at visualisation :razz: In my head i can see my mother jumping over a fence as i write in the same time… haha :razz: Id better try out VILD tonight then…

I’m horrid at visualization, could i improve that in a LD?

Thanks for technique, Pedro :smile: It seems to be good, but i have problem:

I imagine my dream room every time, i imagine how my mom comes and says to do RC, i do RC, say to her: I AM DREAMING, and she says: Come throught that door…

I repeat it over and over, and when im near sleep, it gets VERY hard to stick at that mind. I mean i start thinking of skiing, smth else… If i try to push my mind back to that room, i dont remember what should my mom say and dont rememer nothing… I tried to do that, but i fell asleep, nothing happened, i didnt dream about that room…

Where’s my problem ? :sad:

oh, btw, i never dream about that whati was imagining about… .I mean i never dream about film that i saw or friend that i saw that day. I always dream about such crazy things, like old classfriends, exploding flowers, dinosaurs :-/ bah… why is that ?

I will try do to this a couple of nights. I mean, I can’t lose a LD of it? :smile:

Pedro, almost one year later, your post still lives on. I just found this site a couple of days ago , but I tried your technique and it worked for me the very first night! I really appreciate what you’ve done here! :smile:

wow thats awesome ilovelucid…im happy for you!!!

Cool, thanks for writing this pedro… I’ll try it tonight. Sounds like it’s gonna work.

Does anyone have any tips for staying focused on visualisations? After only a short while my mind wanders off onto other thing. And any tips for making visualisations in general more vivid?

printed, and placed near the bed. i think this should do a lot better than any book.

Pedro!!! GREAT ARTICLE!!! I tried this for my 5th attempt at LD but kinda failed. I didn’t know that i was doing this method. Now i will try it exactly as you said it. Again great article.

P.S. I am in a heavy metal band and play guitar. Do you think that i can get better at guitar if i practice in my dreams. I am thinking of being on stage playing guitar with the band Pantera for my first LD. I hope i can get the solos down.

Well i have been out of the dreaming for a while untill today after school… when i had an unplanned LD… just came home went to sleep and did an RC in my dream… voila went lucid… Your technique really sounds good, definately gunna try it tonight… thanks

Excelent article!! Very easy reading. I will try it tonight. And I had never heard of mind models, I’ve always thought of it as “Internal World Representation”. Mind model is so much shorter :smile:. I’ld go further and say your brain is is much like your eyes and ears. It’s not you but rather a tool for thinking.

Thanks for sharing your great technique. (Perhaps I should be saying that after I’ve tried it.)

My plan for a dream is simply falling from a cliff and knowing I need to do an RC to save myself.

great post pedro! and as for staying focused, i practice focusing on things and i can’t even believe how much my visualization skills have increased, i guess practice!

I haven’t gottent to read ALL of the previous posts yet, but I have read up through page 3, however, I am one of the many of you who find it hard to stay focused on one thought and so I am proud to say I have devised a new method to make it easier, in fact EFFORTLESS.

You Need A…

  1. Program which allows you to record your voice and render it as an MP3 file.

  2. Device that functions as one of the following…

    • An MP3 player ( this is what I use ).
    • A CD player with a cd burning program.
    • A computer next to your bed.
  3. Technique to speak in a calming, reassuring and relaxing voice.

  4. Incubated VILD dream already typed and thought out.

  5. PC Recording Microphone.

  6. A reliable pair of headphones.

What To Do:
You Need To…

  1. Open your recording program.

  2. Read your incubated VILD dream into the PC Recording Microphone being sure to use your calming, reassuring and relaxing voice.

  3. Render your file as ‘My Incubated VILD’ and save it to a place you will always be able to easily access it.

  4. If you do not sleep next to a computer with a reliable pair of headphones, you need to either transfer the file to your MP3 player or burn it on to a CD player that you can take to bed with you.

  5. Go to bed listening to your file on Repeat (1) so it continuosly repeats the recording over and over. All you have to do is focus on what the recording of your own voice (speaking in 1st person) is saying and you are guaranteed better results!

The reason why I like this so much is because I can place more of my energy into visualization rather than trying to remember my incubated VILD. Be SURE to have your volume set to a level that you can hear and focus on what is being said on your recording yet not too loud that you can not go to sleep!

Be sure tell us YOUR results!