Full date format?

I have been trying to make a calendar program recently, but now I see that such programs can be easily found in the Internet. Maybe, I will make one just for fun, or, probably, I’ll make a library, which could be used by any one for writing their own programs. But in any case, I have a question. :smile:
I cannot say I saw all the programs dealing with the 13 Moon Calendar. But those that I saw were still based on the Gregorian Calendar. When you work with the program, you enter a Gregorian date and get its name in the 13 Moon Calendar and its galactic signature. But there is no possibility to enter a 13-Moon date and get the galactic signature.
I hope I will one day write a prog allowing it. But how can a date be entered? Today is year of the Blue Crystal Storm, Resonant Moon, day 1. But 52 years ago, in 1953, the same day was, year of the Blue Crystal Storm, Resonant Moon, day 1. Blue Spectral Hand, just like today.
If you know the date in the 13 Moon Calendar, you can easily calculate the galactic signature: both have the same period of 52 years. But you cannot say when this day was: this year, 52 years ago, or it will be in 52 years, or it was 104 or 520 years ago.
A small prog can do nothing but printing signatures. But if this calendar is really used instead of the Gregorian, it must allow naming an exact date. I know that it must have such means, but I have no idea what they are. Katuns and Baktuns, or something else? :uh:
So, at last, my question. Could someone (not necessarily Explora, he deserves some rest after responding to my previous nonsense :shy: ), who knows the 13 Moon Calendar well, write down all possible ways to write down a date? Like in the Gregorian Calendar, where it’s possible to write only “1/10”, but is also possible to write “Monday, 10 January 2005 A. D.”

As this calendar ends in 2012, there is no real problem. Don’t wait to long before writing your program, cause it will be soon out to date ! :happy:

Yes, as far as I understand, in 2012 either the humanity will cease to exist, or it will cease to use computers… Which is pretty much the same for me, because I – personally – will not exist after this remarkable day. :cry:
But I still have eight years for stupid things! :grin:


From where did you read that we cease to use computers? IF those prophecies are true, then we are just entering to new level, and i have no where read that it means we cease to use computers :wink:

Don’t you know ? A lot of awfull things will happend when the Mayan calendar will stop : chickens will have teeth and there will be no more hot caramel sundaes at McDo’s ! :panic:

The mayan calendar begins on August 11, 12 or 13 ? (they don’t know) 3114 BC ( Beware ! 3114 BC = -3113)

In the long count, this date is written :

The long count breaks up into :
BAKTUN = 20 katun
KATUN = 20 tun
TUN = 18 uinal
UINAL = 20 kin
KIN = 1 day

The Mayan calendar ends when is reached (13 baktun).
Now you can compute the precise date when cookies will disappear from the surface ofthe Earth ! :sad:

Does this answer to all your questions, Ilana ?

Hiya everyone!

Cool thread…

I wanted to say though that I think it’s important here to distinguish between the 13 Moon 28 Day cycle and the Mayan Long Count Calendar. They are actually not the same, and it is not the 13 Moon 28 Day Cycle which comes to an “end” in 2012. The 13 Moon 28 Day Cycle is perpetual - after all it’s a measure of the earth’s orbit around the sun.

Now the 13 Moon 28 Day Calendar is universal across a number of different cultures from all around the world (first peoples of america, druids, maya, polynesians, etc). The Dreamspell is unique in that it brings together the 13 Moon 28 Day Cycle, with a modern application of the mathematical codes of the ancient Maya, which govern the 260-day cycle known as the Tzolkin, or Harmonic Module. Together these two cycles form a 52-year cycle known as a NET Year.

The 13 Moon Calendar, is really just a tool, to help get us tuned into the Earth, so that we can begin to evolve, and expand into the Noosphere (or mental envelope of the Earth). In this perspective, each of us is seen as but a part of the larger planetary mind, waiting to unify and expand into that higher consciousness, which is an inevitable development of the evolution of this planet.

The way to do this is to “synchronise” ourselves with one another through the heartbeat of the Earth, the rhythm of the Sun, and the Moon, their place in our Solar System, and ultimately their place in the larger galaxy. The Earth obviously has a slower rhythm than us ordinary human beings. Adjusting to that, and allowing ourselves to slow our perception down a little, to take into account the growth of an ancient tree, the movement of the waves as they gradually bite away at the cliff face over hundreds of years, is part of what following the 13 Moon Calendar is alll about.

In “Noospheric Earth Time”, one NET Year, or year for the Earth, is represented by an entire 52 solar orbits (or years). The terminology itself, being there simply to help us integrate the limited perspective of the human ego, into the larger story of the Earth, and it’s evolving consciousness.

The NET Year, is then composed of 13 four year cycles known as “Seed-Storm Year Bundles” or “NET Weeks”, or 4 thirteen-year cycles, depending on which way you look at it. So on July 26, 1993 (Yellow Magnetic Seed) we started what we can call a new NET Year, or 52 year cycle. So as to give some idea, I’ll list the first 13 years of that cycle, and when they begin here.

July 26, 1993: Year of the Yellow Magnetic Seed
July 26, 1994: Year of the Red Lunar Moon
July 26, 1995: Year of the White Electric Wizard
July 26, 1996: Year of the Blue Self-Existing Storm
July 26, 1997: Year of the Yellow Overtone Seed
July 26, 1998: Year of the Red Rhythmic Moon
July 26, 1999: Year of the White Resonant Wizard
July 26, 2000: Year of the Blue Galactic Storm
July 26, 2001: Year of the Yellow Solar Seed
July 26, 2002: Year of the Red Planetary Moon
July 26, 2003: Year of the White Spectral Wizard
July 26, 2004: Year of the Blue Crystal Storm
July 26, 2005: Year of the Yellow Cosmic Seed

“It is well to think how the flowering Seed is nurtured by the purifying cycles of the Moon, and how the Wizard learns from the cycles of the Moon, the receptive power of Timelessness in order to establish the regenerative power completed as the catalytic action of the Storm, which in turn allows the next Seed to be brought to flower” (Valum Votan)

In terms of your program, Ilana, all you’d probably need to do for now, is simply have the option to enter the year (one of the fifty two possiblities), since then you could just have a drop-down box. While it’s quite likely that there is available a grouping/naming strategy for mapping these larger 52-year cycles, it’s also worth remembering that the 13 Moon Calendar is really a tool to help us shift into the “post-historic” phase of our evolution… Just like conscious dreaming, I see ourselves as evolving beyond our reliance on material possesions, and connecting and expanding ourselves as spiritually unified explorers of the known and unknown universe. Riding smoothly aboard our big crystal ship, the Earth itself, as it soars through the waves of galactic time, and the ocean of stars all around us…


What is rather strange is that the followers of the Mayan calendar have totally overlooked that they were also :

PICTUN = 20 baktun
CALABTUN = 20 pictun

So the long count is not 144 000 days but 23 040 000 000 days long ( 63 millions years)

The solsticial point moves 1/72 degree per year. Nowadays, it crosses the Milky Way. But the exact moment when it crossed the central galactic plane was in 1999.

A fascinating question… When you know that the 26000 years precession cycle is only an average duration, and that it currently decreases by about 102 years per 1000 years, predicting such an astronomical event looks like a miracle !

It could be interesting, if the Mayan calendars tried at least to follow an astronomical period, like the cycle of the Moon, the Sun, etc. Which is obviously not the case.

Nevertheless, I find this calendar decorative and its symbols are funny.

:lol: Break, no fighting here, it’s my thread, and it’s about a purely technical question!

I know that 52-year cycle thing, and I can calculate the signature, knowing the name of the year and the 13-Moon date (hey, what can be easier, if they are all of the same size?). But what I meant (though I didn’t formulate it in a proper way) was a possibility to replace the Gregorian Calendar in its function of the global way to give information about dates. You can see the 13-Moon Calendar only as an instrument of synchronization. But this attitude will leave you what you are now: a bundle of people, speaking about weird things. There are many people in eastern countries, using non-Gregorian calendars as well; you will be among them, nothing more, and even less, because it will not be official in any country. It will be a global alternative, global, but just an alternative, rarely used, and rarely mentioned. It will not be interesting for “normal” people, because “normal” people are interested in weekends, not in “plasmas”. Our world is mainly officially materialistic (or better to say 100% officially pious, because materialism is preached like a religion sometimes :meh: ). So I don’t expect to see a TV program about the 13-Moon Calendar, while it is unbreakably connected with astrology, galactic tones, meditations and chakras.
I don’t want to offend anyone. But I grew up in a Marxist country, and I just cannot have a firm belief in anything. And the last thing I can believe in is that you will be able to propagate the 13-Moon Calendar, if it is only presented as a tool of spiritual synchronization. This civilization has already made effort to make the whole world live by the Gregorian Calendar. Who will spend the money to replace it with a spiritual thing? They Maya used several calendars simultaneously, but who will use more than two calendars now?
Too long prelude… :shy: But the only thing I wanted to say is that the only way to make the idea of the 13-Moon Calendar itself available to people, who don’t read books from esoteric shelves and don’t visit forums dedicated to dreaming, is presenting it in a less spiritual way. Just as an international replacement for the Gregorian Calendar. :meh:
What if we’ll see no obvious change in 2012? I don’t want to say there will be no change :shy:, something changes every day, but what if it will be not so radical, what if we won’t see the telepathic society yet? And we will still have to teach history to the children?
I can just say, “I was born in the year of the Red Crystal Moon”, and if you know the order of years in the NET, you can imagine how old I am. But that’s only because I don’t look 78-year old (I hope). But is it enough to say, “The revolution happened in the year of the Yellow Overtone Seed”? Can you say quickly, how many years passed since then? 7? 59? 111? 163? 215? 527? :smile:
I just hoped it was possible to get a handy calendar at last… :shy:


Don’t be offended! Im jast e steupid forinor! :cry: :cry: :cry:

Hey wow Ilana.

Some great points there… Perhaps you can join us in our thread here at tribe.net, where others are discussing the same issue. Seems you sparked something, cause synchronically that thread appeared only a few days after you made this post.

Sorry I haven’t really had the chance to reply to you here properly, but yeh in the meantime I would certianly welcome you to sign up, and contribute to the discussion over at:


There’s a thread there called “How to write the Dreamspell date?”> hopefully i’ll see you there.


Perhaps I’ll address a point at a time.

I think I also agree with you regarding the importance of simply creating a very simple “13 moon 28 day calendar”, perhaps without all the little glyphs for each day. I have been considering creating a copy of our peace calendar, “journey of the peace train” as you suggested sometime in the future.


On a purely logical level:

  • 13 moons of 28 days with a day out of time for global celebration of peace through culture

makes a whole lot more sense than:

  • 12 months of 31 days, 28 or 29 days, 31 days, 30 days, 31 days, 30 days, 31 days, 31 days, 30 days, 31 days, 30 days, 31 days

As a student studying to be a primary school teacher, I just don’t get why we would want to go through teaching all that mess again and again… So yes. I agree with you about this:

Obviously there are different layers to the exploration of the calendar, but we at least need to make the base layer understandable and easy to use, if this calendar reform project is to work. While I believe that process is inevitable, there’s no doubt it’s going to take time, and the best way we can accelerate that process is to make it more accessible


I have read that thread. So, it’s year 5118 now. :happy:
And how do you write the distinction between 22 Galactic-I (2/28) and 22 Galactic-II (2/29)? :eh:

Well yeh it’s just a proposal at this stage. It’ll be interesting to see what comes of it…

Hey your question is a good one. I hadn’t thought of that, but it’d definitely be worth posting up over at the tribe! I’d appreciate it…
