What/When are the 13 Moons?

The 13 Moon Calendar is based on a very simple, natural rhythm. The year is composed of:

13 Moons of 28 Days + 1 day = 365 days

This perpetual, harmonic standard sprang up as a natural measure of time in cultures as diverse as the Maya, the Inca, the ancient Egyptians, the Polynesians, the Druids, and the Native American people. Each month is a perfect 28 days in length, and contains exactly four weeks.

The New Year begins on the Gregorian correlate date of July 26.

First Moon. July 26 - August 22
Second Moon. August 23 - September 19
Third Moon. September 20 - October 17
Fourth Moon. October 18 - November 14
Fifth Moon. November 15 - December 12
Sixth Moon. December 13 - January 9
Seventh Moon. January 10 - February 6
Eighth Moon. February 7 - March 6
Ninth Moon. March 7 - April 3
Tenth Moon. April 4 - May 1
Eleventh Moon. May 2 - May 29
Twelvth Moon. May 30 - June 26
Thirteenth Moon. June 27 - July 24

The final day of each year, July 25, is celebrated as the Day Out of Time, a time for renewal, and global celebration of Peace through Culture. Last year over 500 parties were held around the world. Each year the number becomes larger, as awareness of this new way of movement through time expands…

Any questions?

so… ummm waht day is the white galactic wizard on? I cant figure it out.

Hey renko… the 13 moon/28 day calendar is “linked” to the Harmonic Module in such a way that the two mesh perfectly every 52 years. So White Galactic Wizard will be on different days each year.

For the Blue Crystal Storm year, I have:
Monday August 30, 2004
Lunar 8

Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Spectral 16

If you check out my Dreamspell 2 program (https://astareglobe.no-ip.com/knowledge/newtime/dreamspell2) you can use this to find a White Galactic Wizard day, then skip back or ahead 260 days to find all the White Galactic Wizard days for the rest of time! This will also work with any other galactic signature.

edit: there are also a bunch of other decoders out there. I use mine because 1) I programmed it and 2) it allows me to skip back or forward any duration of days (1,7,13,20,28,260) or choose any day and calculate its signature and 13 moon/28 day date very quickly, but there are other very useful programs and methods out there. Nick can probably fill you in on a bunch :smile:

Explora! According to the new rules, you cannot post big pictures in the text. I just have to say this… as a mod. :tongue:

hmm… I would think that we have to post a bunch of pictures here! Especially calendars of every moon. ilana, do you think Q could make an exception in the Dreamspell forum for the “big pictures” rule?

Renko. Greetings!

Yes the main 13 Moon 28 Day + 1 (365 day year) is linked to another 260-day cycle embedded in what is known as the Harmonic Module; a radial matrix which contains the array of 260 different signature energies. The “White Galactic Wizard” is one such energy.

Astare has already done a nice job of pointing out that the 13 Moon/28 Day (365 days) year, and the 260-kin Harmonic Module mesh perfectly once every 52 years. His program is a neat way of finding out the next time it will be a White Galactic Wizard.

Ilana. Good point. I’m guessing and hoping that Q will make an exception for Dreamspell forum, since there is a need for educational materials/graphics to be posted, in order to make this information more easily udnerstood. I will have to see.

fingers crossed


And who will write the petition? :smile:

yes, posting big pics is allowed in here, but please don’t post too many in one go, for users with slow connection it is a pain to load otherwise.

Thanks for the help. And just as a weird coincidence, the next white galatic wizard day is the day after I get my braces off.

heh… one of my friend’s galactic birthdays is Blue Cosmic Storm, and the next day it occurs is May 22, 2005, the day I graduate :razz: