Half dreaming

I have had a dream where I saw the dream but could hear the sounds in the real world. Like my eyes were asleep but my ears were not and could hear the real world. Has this happened to anyone?

This happens to a lot of people. What’s happening is external sensory input is starting to enter the dream as you start to sleep lighter. Often it is encorporated into the dream itself. A few days ago I dreamed of hearing a hammer hitting wood, and I woke up to my Uncle building some wooden forms to pour concrete in just outside my window :smile:

Yeah, I get that too. Like I’m talking to some dream character, and suddenly it starts beeping all around, and I’m like “where the heck is that sound coming from?” for a couple of seconds, and then wake up.

I’ve heard that you can easily influence people’s subconcious mind when they are in that “state”. I’m not 100% sure if it works, though.