Follower IN MY LD!!!!!!!!

A great funzy entered my LD… SPonge bob followed me every were i went … :content: haah i laught most of the time :grin:

anyways- has any1 followed u in ur LD ??? :sad:

yeah… I just had one last night. I was being followed so I dedcided to shoot em with my finger guns!! You can read all about it here

All the time! Not in an irritating way… it’s usually in the context of me leading around a group of people or a couple of friends. I once had a “pet” cat that followed me around everywhere as well. She was so sweet and I really missed her after that dream! :content:

Edit: Oooh, oops. I just realised you said for LDs. No, this hasn’t happened to me in a lucid dream, just the normal ones.

I have to go with Stormy on this one. No LDs, but at least one ND where people followed me. :hmmm:

Usually in my normal dreams I can’t quite see who’s following me(kinda freaks me out) but when I’m lucid, I just try and enter their “body” to see what they’re all about at that time. When I find out there just some other part of me, I’ll either stick with them or try and enter my dream self again. I luv that it was spongebob following you tho! I’m gonna try and dream about him tonite. he’s hilarious!! :happy: :happy: :happy:

I had a dream a long time ago where a cartoon dog followed me through 3 differant dreams. The whole time it kept asking me “can I come too? Can I come too? Can I come too?” I was very agrivated by it, but finaly it went away when I started to ignore it. The funny part is, it was a cartoon rendition of the dog I own.

It happened to me once, I was swiming in a large aquarium, and an octopus followed me. When I went out of the water it still followed me :confused: But it was a cute octopus, so I didn’t mind. He helped me get some perspective on what I was seeing.

a cute octopus? haha! that sounds like it was really fuzzy and made cute squeaky noises :razz:

Ive had followers in my dreams, usually i can’t look at their faces, something prevents me from opening my eyes or raising my head to see them. This is a very common dreamsign for me.

There is a group of dream characters who sometimes follow me around in dreams and do everything to annoy me and ruin the dream. I call them the grey-faces.

hehe, yea i’ve noticed in your DJ, but, i can’t really remember anny, but that’s cos i rarely recall annything from my dream