Have You Died in Your Dreams?

I have come to the conclusion that we can’t die in our dreams, this is through talking with people i know and my own experience. How many times have you died in your sleep? I haven’t once. How many times have you come two seconds away from certain death before waking up? For me it’s plenty of times. Isn’t it just convenient how we wake ourselves up before death? But what would happen if we didn’t wake up, if we did die in our dream? Would we die in real life? For example I had this dream just last night:
It started off with me and my sister at what i thought was our regular library at first, but realized wasn’t after i woke up. While we were waiting for our mom to pick us up my sister decided to take out a R.L. Stine book (typical of her) then began looking at books targeted at a maximum age of 5 (she’s 19). While she did that i decided to look for books on lding, but before i could (too bad, i might have got one that said YOU’RE DREAMING IDIOT!!! lol) my mom came out from behind a shelf (might i add away from the entrance) and told us we had to leave. So me and my siater went back over to the table were originally sitting at and she grabs her purse (the one she uses in real life) and i tell her don’t forget you’re book and she goes ‘i know i’m getting there’ and there’s stuff on the table on top of the book and when she grabs it we leave (note that she never signed the book out) suddenly i’m reading the back of the r.l. stine book in a dark room and its war based and i think to myself, hmm that’s wierd she doesn’t like war books, and then begin to read. As soon as i open the book its like i’m in the bok, my mom tells me to go get something from the grocery store, or possibly even just to go there, i don’t remember. So i walk there and when i get there the whole place looks like it does in real life, except for that there’s two black motorcycles parked on one side close to where i’m walking and the front one has a squirrel just standing on it and the one three inches back has a girl on it who was just staring at me and i think to myself, she must be scared to death to move. Then i see up right in front of the entrance there’s what i originally thought was a beaver standing right in front of it, i instantly become scared, but know i have to go in and i think to myself, that’s not a beaver, it’s too little to be one, that over there is a beaver this is a badger, and there was a beaver standing against the wall of the building. It was halfway between the squirrel and the badger. I began to hesitantly walk, keeping as far away from the animals as possible. I got past the squirrel and beaver, but now it was badger time, i’d have to be in a close proximity of it. A guy in my grade who i don’t really ever talk to walked by in a set of normal clothes he owns in real life and threw a rock at the badger, but misses and it starts towards him so i try to run behind it but it turns and follows me i start screaming and bolt through the automatic doors and it follows me in! i spot a security guard standing near the back of the checkout leaning against something and run over and tell him a badger was chasing me in the store and it had already run off somewhere in the store. So we start to go look for it and he asks ‘are you sure it was a badger?’ so i say ‘i think so, it looked like a mini-skinny beaver, i’m not 100% sure, but i think i’m right.’ then we’re all of a sudden in a parkade with one other person (i think its my sister, but there’s a slim chance it was the guy from school) and we’re just standing around at the corner and all of a sudden a silver starts to come driving around the corner and i think ‘great this cars going to try and kill us’ because i’m in an R.L. Stine book. and they drove normally like two feet past us then swerved and pointed the car at us and there was an angry man and an angrier woman in the front. the woman screams something at us and gets out of her car and points a machine gun at us (the guy just kind of dissapeared now) she begins to yell again and when she’s goes to fire i stand right next to with my hand covering the gun so the bullets are going through my hand/not killing us. When she seems to be out of bullets i run towards the exit and she starts to run in front of me, but i keep going because she can’t hurt me without bullets. When we get outside she was blocking my way to the street. all along the street there was chaos (gunshots and fires). all of a sudden she turns to the side and starts trying to fire at random dcs. at first it doesn’t work, but then it starts to and i think ‘crap i was wrong she does have bullets!’ and then she turns towards me, my hands a mess dripping blood everwhere, i need to get to the hospital, and points the gun at my forehead . . . and i woke up!

I woke up just before getting shot with a machine gun in the forehead, is it a sc reflex?
I’d love to hear you guyses opinions and any stories that you have of dreams.
And i’d love to hear if anyone ever has died in a dream!

After having my throat slit by an orc, everything went dark for a beat. I came to, still in a dream, and still in the dojo I died in, but the orcs were gone and the walls and tatami mats were miraculously restored to the way they were before the siege. I guessed someone cleaned out my body. Looking down, I saw that I was wearing a white night gown and my skin was gray-blue, so I presumed I was a ghost, but everything felt suspiciously solid.

It was a lot like this Asian horror movie that I can’t remember the title of, where this woman wakes up in the middle of a street, and takes a cab but the driver never talks, and she goes to wash her hands but the sink is full of severed fingers, and the whole city is empty except for her. It turned out she was dead all along and all those creepy things were like signals she was trying to send to herself.

That one dream was kind of a doozy, though, yeah most of the time I just wake up especially if it’s a sudden and violent death :tongue: Bleeding out like I did, or maybe slow-acting poison, would more likely let my dream continue posthumously.

Dying in dreams topic All it takes sometimes is just a little Google integrated search. :wink:

I’ve been dying in my dreams occasionally, but it starts to matter less and less nowadays. I just know it’s a story I’m living, and it just goes on without the presence of my avatar.

Once I got my entire body destroyed by a nuke and I refused to wake up, I wanted to experience death :razz: I just cant describe how it was like.

I have actually died in my dreams before. Although each time was weird and different. Sometimes I wake up just before I get killed, but not always. The last time I “died” was a long time ago, though.

I think I was buried underground. I suppose you could call it half-death, since I was still conscious of my existence. I just didn’t have a dream body and my senses didn’t work anymore either.

Isn’t it really scary to die?! I would think I would die in real life too! I wouldn’t even dare to try it out for fun… :tongue:

No, I let myself get killed by the bomb and I of course died :gni: the moment I died I lost all my feelings, I lost everything (except The Game :tongue:) then some seconds later I felt like in an OBE, I could do whatever I wanted, even make a new body :razz: then I woke up :cool_raz:

Haha, the way you make it sound is like that you died is the most common thing in the world :tongue:
Maybe I’ll try it, one day in the far far future! :smile:

Darn you, I just lost the game. speaking of the game I lost it in one of my recent dreams =P. Ne wayssss… I died before, i was just put into a different body, I saw my dead body there, then I woke up.

Speaking about The Game I never lost it while dying :razz: so there are some moments where you lose everything except The Game :wink:

And one time when I lost The Game I was bitten by a dog the seconds after :lol: :wolfbite:

In one dream I even died a couple of times in a row. For some reason atomic bombs were exploding all over the place, but each time I got vaporized by them, I simply ‘re-spawned’ somewhere else a couple of seconds later.

After about 3 times I started to wonder about how it could be possible that each time my whole body vaporized that I could still think for exactly 5 seconds, even with my brains totally gone. I wondered whether this proved that we have a soul or if we just experience our own thoughts with a 5 second delay or something. I believed I’d seen the answer to the question “Is there life after death?”…until I woke up and it was back to square one again with all the philosophical thoughts about life. :crazy:

This is a dream I had a few months ago:
I remember I was surfing, except it was inside, it was some sort of competition. There was one other person surfing as well. Then all of a sudden they released a huge shark into the water (haha weird, I guess they wanted to make the competition harder) anyways at one point I got eaten by the shark and died. Lovely, I know. But then I was in a room and I was still dead but people could still see me. I was sort of a ghost except I looked like a normal person. I believe I was able to become invisible when I wanted. It was sort of like when you are lucid dreaming though, I was able to get away with anything, becasue I was already dead, but I could still have conversations and interact with other people who were still alive, and they didn’t know I was dead. It’s kind of hard to explain but it was weird…

As far as I can remember I only once died in a dream, and I remember it very clearly, since it was a very, very vivid lucid dream. I was with a family and eventually people came to get us. They were WWII soldiers, and we were on a farm. Trying to protect the family I got them to hide in the barn. Eventually the germans saw we were there and broke down the door. In a flash they entered, one aimed at me and shot me, and immediately I died.
The feeling was incredible, maybe the most pleasant feeling I ever felt. It was as if a huge weight was dropped of my shoulders and I was free, I was released. I stayed in the same place, or at least my spirit. My body fell on the ground but I was still there as a spirit or ghost and floated through the room, the only difference was that my vision was weaker and the sounds sounded futher away, like I witnessed it through a thick mist. But I was free, I could fly and I was as happy as ever, after which the dream faded.

This for me was actually a very interresting experience because I’m still not sure what I believe happens after death (IRL). But I am a strong believer that all your dreams and ideas in dreams come from withing yourself, however they are communicated to you. This is all intuiting and truth you might not accept IRL but deep inside already know. So this got me thinking; Is this what I deep down really believe happens after death?

I’ve died in a dream, not in a first person sense, but as a DO

One specific dream actually.

I still remember the time that I ACTUALLY died… It was first person all the way up to the point where I died… and the moment where people normally wake up… I found myself suddenly staring down at my dream body like it was an OBE. Slowly, it kind of faded out but i was dead as a doorknob. I couldn’t think, feel, smell, anything… just see. That’s all I did was see.

Actually it really scared me when I woke up. Before and after that I’ve always exited my dreams when death can’t be stopped, long before I actually die… even when accidentally committing suicide in LDs. I don’t even have a chance to die, when the thought registers in my brain, I wake up. Simple as that.