COMA and Lucid dreaming

I just had an Ida that if you wake up from normal dreams because you get exited from LD, wouldn’t you wake up from other type of unconsciousness?

If you are put to sleep by drugs, even if its hard to get lucid, would your lucidity affect your body state?

I don’t exactly know if surgeons have dreams, or can you dream in coma, so if you have any good material to read, please post it here.

What do you think about being aware while being unconscious for a very long time?

The coma is a NDE. I don’t know weather one dreams, but I surely don’t think so. As far as I informed myself, a person in coma can be conscious but can not move any muscle, doesn’t recognize it’s own body, doesn’t know who they are - a full disorder of the brain which is very unpleasant to the one experiencing it.

Some people who “survived” coma have declared being somewhere else, to another place. I shall not go in further on this subject as it is pretty obvious. These persons claim to have taken another form of life or spirit. Thus the state of coma is something which can be defined as a “living death” experience.

That would be what I mostly know and suppose on this subject. In what concerns your last question, waking up from coma is rather an extraordinary thing as the mind and body are both “disoriented” and separated from one another as a cause of a fatal accident (mostly).

I do not know what you are actually talking about in your thread, the only thing I understood was your curiosity about the coma state, as for your last question concerning dreams: What I think about being aware while being unconscious ? I am not aware, that’s what I think (and strongly believe) :meh:.

I strongly believe surgeons do have dreams. Once in a while, at least.