Waking up in middle of night?

I’m not the type to wake up in the middle of the night. So why is that since I started to practice lucid dreaming 3 days ago I tend to wake up four or 5 hours after I go to sleep? I put on binaural beats and then repeat in my head “Next time I’m dreaming, I will realize I’m dreaming”, until I fall asleep. (I changed my mantra to “I always remember my dreams” to improve my dream recall.) This has happened for the past three days. When it happened before yesterday, I got up around 6 and remembered part of a dream. Yesterday I got up at 6:30, didn’t remember any dreams, went back to sleep and remembered 2 different dreams which kind of gave me hope since I feel like my dream recall “may” be getting better. Today I went to sleep at 2 something and got up around 7. I also took a unisom tab last night and the night before which did nothing. What do you think it is? Is it better to have a steady sleep schedule? Could it be the binaural beats or am I over thinking things while in bed? Is it absolutely necessary to visualize before going to bed or can I say my mantra a few times and go to sleep regularly? I only sleep once a day and never take naps. Also I sleep with a lamp on and usually with my tv playing music as well. I’m going to leave the tv off for now to see how things go. Sorry for all the questions, I don’t know what else I should do. Thanks in advance for any advice.

Unless that really bothers you for some reason, those sort of awakenings a few hours after going to bed are prime opportunities to try and get a LD, as you’ll basically go straight back to REM when you next fall asleep (as opposed to when you first go to bed).

Nothing but an advantage, unless you really need every second of sleep you can get (or have trouble going back to sleep).

I do have trouble going back to sleep. It can take over an hour sometimes, it’s just weird that’s it happening all of a sudden. Also when I go back to bed I wake up way too late, around 1:30 or 2.

My bf experienced this last night (we’ve been in our quest for lucidity since friday), but he’s still in the stage of remembering dreams. He wakes up and he feels he hasnt dreamt at all, even though he has his dream journal, he cant fill it with anything, cuz he doesnt feel anything upon awakening. Do u think this thing of waking up several times would help him remember dreams? Also it seems that its making him sleep more than usual (he went from 6-8 hours to 10 hours of sleep) do u think it might be a sign that he will soon start remembering his dreams.

Lincourtz, waking up in the night is a good aid to remember earlier dreams and an opportunity to set the intention of remembering later dreams.

waking up after a few hours going to bed is an advantage for you, it is an opportunity to get a LD