Obe And Lucid Dreaming

I am kinda new to this whole scene but i was wondering what the difference is between an obe and a ld??? I dont think i am quite sure what and out of body experince is…could someone inform me???
thanks :tongue:

I believe the difference between an OBE and a lucid dream is a matter of degree in dimension. An OBE (out of body experience) to me is more closely related to our physical reality/dimension than, let’s say, our typical lucid dream. I consider a lucid dream as the act of ‘awakening within’ a dream… although there are always exceptions. Overall, they both seem to blur into each other at a certain point. Some consider OBE’s more vivid or somehow “more real” than the average lucid dream, but I think it’s just a matter of degree on how aware one is in the astral realm. Any ideas? :roll:

OBE/Astral projection generally occurs in deeper sleep.
I.E. your awareness has to be strong enough to pull one off.

This is not entirely true: OBE occurs just like the most of LDing during REM, when we are closest to consiousness. In the same sleep phase and even the same type of brainwaves.
See: slagt.net/ld4all/viewtopic.php?t=1608

I don’t mean that OBE and LD’s are different… as in a different state bodily-wise… just experience-wise in what you encounter perhaps while you’re aware in the astral.

…and i think theres more info-thing in the “big OOBE topic”… hmm, i’ve never had one, would be awesome… :cool:

obe/lucid dream are almost the same thing obe is the realtime zone nearest to the physical plane and lucid dream can be a virtual reality place where your ideas of the day and maybe future ideas or even if other people are thinking about you or something you may tap into what is happening to them. One time I had a dream I realized I was dreaming there is one technique you can do which is to stare at a fixed object in a dream and you become MORE and MORE lucid/aware you are dreaming I did that and started hearing a buz sound in my ear started to pay attention to that and say within me I don’t want to see this anymore only pay attentino to the buzz in my ear next thing ya know the dream sequence shut down and I was looking through my closed eye lids I realized I was in my astral body in my bed then I knew I can run out of my body easily so I did had an OBE at that point.

One tip: There is no such a thing as astral body. I just hate when beginners start to think that there is something supernatural in LD:s. Or did u just use that astral body thing to tell that in your dream you were invincible?

To give a simple answer.
OBE is when your consciousness is outside of your physical body.
LD is when your consciousness is awake within your dream.

That is the how science could define the two. They are different.

Some people have the opinion that OBE’s are not real. That’s ok, but that doesn’t mean the definition is not real. OBE means OUT OF BODY. It is not a dream and it is not a hallucination. Though some people that claim to have an OBE may be hallucinating or dreaming.

Hmm, :eh: to use an analogy. Think of a unicorn. Everyone knows that unicorns doesn’t exist. But that doesn’t change the definition of the word unicorn.

Two other definitions that are often used are astral body and dream body.
The astral body is the vehicle that your consciousness uses while you are out of body.
The dream body is the vehicle that your consciousness uses while you are in a dream.
These terms are easily interchangable and don’t differ much in meaning. They both refer to a body that is used while your consciousness is not in the tangible/physical waking world.
If you have ever had a dream about clapping your hands then you are clapping your astral/dream body’s hands, you are not actually clapping your tangible/physical hands.

So I disagree with Herne’s statement that the astral body is not real. I do however share a small belief that LD’s are given too much a “supernatural” description.

I can’t understand how people in LD forum can belive to astral body. LD explains all OBE experiences, and still you belive to shared dreams, astral body…

well, you can belive whereyou want to…

Well Herne i dont think theres anything wrong with other ppl beliefs.Most of them(especially here on ld board)are based on personall experience.Your words remind me of person shouting on the mass"hey ppl theres no god,c`mon think logically".Not much point in it,is there?
I never thought about wheter my astral body is real or not.In some terms it is cuz im visible to other beings.On the other hand its invisibile in real world so u might say it does not exist.But does it matter anyhow?

Take care:)

Jack hmm… Personal experience…
I could understand that if someone who never haven’t even heard about LDs thinks that in his OBE he was in real world. But this is LD 4 all forum. I could really well understand if someone shouts that there is no god if he has explanation to every miracle in holy bible. And if these masses know by themselves those explanations, then…

Hmm, I can’t even write english anymore :sad:

Thanks. :neutral:

No one has mentioned “shared dreams” on this thread. But since you brought it up mrgreen: I am open to the possiblity of shared dreams. I have never had a shared dream, but I can’t put myself in a position to rule out the possibility entirely.

Dr. Stephen Laberge once gave a great explaination about shared dreams. He said that waking reality is a form of shared dreams. Dreams are perception UNconstrained by sensory input, and perception is dreaming constrained by sensory input. In a sense :wink: , waking perception is our brain using our senses to convert many different frequencies into sensation. Smell, sound, sight, touch/vibrations are all just a frequency on the radio dial of the universe. Our senses just “tune” the frequencys into a signal our brain can understand.
When we have a conversation we are tuning our “stations” into the signal that the other person is transmitting and vice versa.

Why shouldn’t we be able to do the same in dreams? Our brain goes into many deep stages of consciousness that are only reached in sleep. Our brain is operating on frequencies that aren’t often used in waking consciousness. These “unexplored” areas of consciousness may hold the key to a communication form that we have not yet utilized.

It’s not hocus pocus and it’s not so “supernatural.” It may indeed sound fantastic, but I don’t think it is hard to believe.

Jack is right when he says that most people here have beliefs based on personal experience. I’ve had many experiences with my astral body, though I refer to it as my dreambody.
Anyone that has had a “dual-consciousness” experience can relate to this. Often times when I’m trying WILD I’m aware of two bodies. I can sense and feel myself lying in bed, but at the same time I’m moving my dream body’s arms and legs. I could easily move my focus to my physical body and move those arms and legs, but it usually breaks my relaxation and wakes my physical body ruining my WILD attempt.

The astral or dream body may just be a form of perception, but it has become a term that makes it easy to explain and share experiences. It is real in that sense, but I can’t trim off a fingernail or nothing for you to put in a petri dish. :wink:

Herne wrote:
I can’t understand how people in LD forum can belive to astral body. LD explains all OBE experiences, and still you belive to shared dreams, astral body…

 You have mistunderstood me:)Or i have misunderstood you:)Hehe its common:)Anyways-like i said in some other post-its what you define "real".For me its just real cause i can feel it,i can see it while obeing...also i can see my sleeping body-therefore i define it real.And lds explains very little about it.The feeling of OBEing is so much different from lding that i find it hard to classify it as same as ld.Just that:)