Seeing the future on command.

This might sound like a stupid question, but I am meaning it to be a very serious question.

Is anyone, or has anyone ever intentionally, and successfully, been able to see the future in their dreams?

I have had premonitious dreams about things at random before, but I was wondering if anyone has done it intentionally.

If so, please share your story. Thank you :smile:

I dont think that it’s possible. And your “premonitious dreams”, are you sure, that you didnt just have ‘Deja Vu’ experience? Since Deja Vu has been scientifically explained, I think it’s very possible, that you had a Deja Vu, and you think you saw it before in a dream.

I have had some premonitious dreams, but none of them on demand.

One was an environment wich I remembered exactly(!) the same as in a dream. It was a place were people were working. I was 16 at that time. (some 10 years ago)
I’m a 100% sure that this wasn’t a deja vu because in my dream, after inspecting the place I opened a briefcase that was somewhere in that environment. The briefcase was standing behind something, but in real life I didn’t go to see if the briefcase was really there because I was much to affraid. I was VERY affraid! So I had two different visions of that same place: one opening a briefcase (dream), and one not seeing the briefcase (real life)

The other experience was in my neighbourhood, some 10 months ago. I dreamed they would cut the trees in a very unusual way in the garden of my neighbours . Three days later they did almost exactly as I dreamed. This wasn’t a deja vu either, cause it wasn’t exactly the same this time, and in my dream I also saw a small “LEGO”-building in that garden wich wasn’t there in real life.

I’m sure these dreams happen all the time, though they are subject only to chance. I mean, lets say the odds are 1 in a million every day that there will be some “conection”, well then you got 260 preminition dreams a day in the USA (260 million people live in the US). Well the odds are even better than that, more like 1 in a 1000 or something like that. Now, I’m no statistical engineer, but many think this is due only to chance. Also, these dreams can be enterpreted in any way.

   Lets say in your dream, you are driving down "main street" and you are in a car accident. Then later, in real life, you get in an accident on main street. Now what are the odds of that! well the odds are very good. Firstly, the event could take place any number of days after the dream. up to half a year, as long as you remember it. So you have 6 months for this to occur, and the odds of it happening early and later are just the same.                           Secondly, it could happen to anyone. It could happen to your sister, brother, dad, mom, friend, boss, girl friend, wife, anyone! this even increases the odds of there being a "connection" between the dream and the event. Thirdly, you may say "o, but the accident happened on main street, and in my dream it was main street." well most likely, you drive on main street or whatever street everyday, so that increase the odds even more. Forthly, people have a tendancy to alter their memories later on. For example, if you hit an ice cream truck in that real life accident, you may convince yourself that you saw the car hitting an ice cream truck in the dream, even though it didnt happen in the dream. 
   So my points are, the preminition can "come true" at any time, it could happen to anyone, the event could happen in a likey place, and you can alter your own memories, and all this leads to an interpretation that the preminition was a real preminition. It can simply be interpreted in so many ways.
   Even after all this, I still think there are dreams that predict the future, and I have had some. Sorry for being so negative about it, but I just like to be fair to both sides.
   I am sure there are dreams predicting th future, and I am sure that there are many paranormal events, simply by looking around us. I mean life is the most paranormal thing I can think of. Even a simple flower. I mean [i]how[/i] does that flower exsist? How does it exsist it physical space. WHat is anything? How does our mind work? If something as paranormal as life, or the world exsists, I find it hard to believe that a simple thing like dreams predicting the future, or even shared dreams, dont exsist. I am sure they do, and I am sure many of us have them. 

Sorry for the lengthy discussion. I will end it here. Thanks for reading my 2 cents! Bye,

Theres no one future…theres trillions of possibile futures.Most people like to match their dreams to what their are experiencing few days later but i personally think theres too much to it to be accurate.Theres so many variables that seeing the future would require being superbrain.Additionally-that is sooo easy to change the future once we think we know it(u gonna be killed by a car on 15th of january i.e.Theres nothing easier than to avoid it by doing whatever else)and whats then?future teller was wrong?thats tricky you see.
One more thing-seeing the future would mean there is a faith-the line everyone of us follows regardless of what one does.And its pretty silly idea:)

Do you remember in the matrix, when neo sees the oracle, and shes like “You dont have to be sorry for breaking it”.then neo says “break what?”. then he accidently brakes the vase, neo says “but how did you know”, and the oracle says “now the question is, would you have broken it if I never said anything?”.

Isn’t this funny - I’m having déjá vu about this topic… it MUST of been posted already previously because this is the 3rd time I’m having déjà vu over this subject!

Actually I am POSITIVE I saw it before in a dream. And I have excellent dream recall so I am quite sure of what I dreamt. In one particular dream, I dreamt of a future boyfriend two years before I ever met him, right down to his name! (It was Craig) I told all my friends about it, and then two years later I met him. The most notable dream though, was in the summer of 2001. I dreamt I was at a daycare center, and two of the kids were fighting, and I said “ELYSSA NO!!!” and I promptly woke up. I remembered this dream because at the time I had no intentions of doing anything with kids, and that dream was VERY off the wall for me to have… I woke up with a feeling of “wtf was that???”

Three months later, I ended up having a job at a daycare and one day that dream EXACTLY, right down to the kids clothes happened. Right after I told Elyssa no in real life, I remembered my dream and I was like “HOLY SH!T!!!” Very exciting stuff.

I think it also has to do with your personal beliefs about other things though, to allow for the possibility of precognitive dreams. Like my personal beliefs are that everything is already written out for us. So it is possible to dream of future events, because they will happen no matter what.