Light Switches


I woke from a dream, and swiftly went back to sleep.
Once asleep, I found myself trying to turn on lights in my house. They did not work. I thought I must be dreaming, although I think I was dreaming I was reality testing, if that makes sense.
Anyway, I then tried to make the scenery change, it did’nt.

Does this happen to anyone else???


Like Stephen LaBerge said in his radio interview, lot of people who are new to LDing think that since their dreaming, they could just do anything they like just like that. It doesn’t really work that way. Which way did you try to change it? LaBerge said that you can’t do everyting right away, since your subconsious doesn’t necessary allow it. You have to expect that the scenery changes like going thru a door where you could write the name of the place where youd like to be.

Something similar happened to me. I realized I was dreaming so I tried to make myself float, but it didn’t work. I also tried moving things with my mind, but that didn’t work either. It ended up convincing me that I wasn’t dreaming and I lost lucidity. I was probably unsuccessful because of the reason Dead gave. Anyway, if your mind won’t allow you to change things, then what is a good thing to try to do in dreams for beginners?

I don’t know what good things are to try for beginners.

One of the first things I did lucid was breathing under water. Off course you need to be under water than :confused:

Another very simple thing I did was sit down on the floor, and then let me fall on my back. You end up in another dreamscene if you do that. I did this again in the new dreamscene, but in the dreamscene after thatone I had lost my lucidity.

Trying to put my finger throug a wall I found easy too.

In reply to dead’s question, I tried to change the scenery by simply wishing it. I am still not convined I was that lucid, maybe just on the borderline of dreaming and lucidity, or even dreaming I was trying to lucid dream.

Thanks for the help.

Yeasterday I joined this site and last night I tried some of the tricks.
Now I think I had 2 very, very near LDs. First one was something about me being Mickey Mouse…I think I convinced myself of dreaming by saying that I can not be a mouse…that’s all I remember about that one.
The other one was one were I was a woman :eek: I had two children and we were watching tv, sitting on a sofa and the room was dimm…it had kind of blue tone to it. And then my husband came. I rose up and I had this flowervase in my hand and he just snapped it from my hands to the ground. Not sure if it broke. It was about that time I realized I was dreaming. How? By convincing me that no one could ever be that mean how the ma nwas being…too bad that is not the case in real life.
I think I wasn’t able to do anything I wished…put still I think I did realise that I was dreaming.

A start to my future to be Lucid dreams?
ps. don’t tell anyone that I dreamd of being a woman :cheesy:

Yeah, I’ve had something simular, I dropped our television in a dream and acted as it was an accident. I tought I would never do that, this is a definately a dream, and I became lucid too.


Here is my 2 cents of what I have learned about LDing. I learned that I must start out basic things or go around it like if you can’t seem to transport into other scene… do that door thingy technique until you’re successful with it then you can advance… your subconscious will eventually allow you to do whatever you want because it will realize that you can do it. It’s like your subconscious is trying to catch up with you. When you just started out flying, you might end up swimming in the air… then eventually fly superman-style, etc… then eventually you can be able to fly without doing anything like superman or whatever… you just can fly unconsciously and don’t have to worry about crashing into anything.

Subconscious is amazing really!


You asked what is a good thing for beginners to do in lucid dreams. I am still a relative beginner myself but my personal opinion is that it is best to start by going exploring. That way you can get used to the environment and sample different senses around you.

Don’t try to do too much at first, it will come with time (honestly). Just enjoy yourself :content:

well as a beginner the most important thing is you can get into Ld mode as frequent as possible. Then if you can ld many times many things you can do to train the subconscious mind so you can do things like some people like to visit the realtime zone (out of body experience instead of a virtual reality one) so to make sure you’re in realtime zone you must put say a card somewhere to know if its real or the date/time clock see if it’s correct for reality check that is what I probably would do to verify or make my mind get used to the realtime zone. I had difficulty I have to admit I can change the environment easily ie say moon come near and it would or moon go far away it would but things like transporting myself to other locations either in realtime zone or say in the spirit world the mind would not respond yet. You can virtually train your mind to do anything in LD if you get it to respond say look into the future of your life (dejavu).