GRR! Why haven't I had another one?! Maybe I should try WILD

I had a very uninteresting lucid dream on the 19th October. It was basically just me looking at a clock because I was seeing if it would change (not because I wondered if it was a dream, I already knew that)

and it did :grin: the numbers changed and once the minutes changed to red :smile: it’s a green digital clock in real life.

But since then I’ve had nothing :confused: well once I thought I might have had one, I was IN Grand Theft Auto 3… not sure if it was an ld or not though… it might’ve been… I was flying at one point, it wasn’t very clear, the other ld was clearer.

I want another one… :sad:

How did I have my first one? you might ask…

well I believed it would happen, and lo and behold, it did. :wink:

I just sincerely believed I’d have one…

since then I haven’t been able to believe I’d have one, not even after having one, which would of course remove all doubt from my mind that lds weren’t real.

I think I might try to do a WILD…

so how does that work? like is an OBE or an LD? I don’t wanna go having an OBE :confused:

that’d be just too freaky for my liking… being a ghost-like entity or something…

The best technique for me is the Wake Back to Bed method.

A WILD is a normal LD not an OBE. For more info on WILD’s… go to the Big WILD topic at the top of the forum.

An OBE is freaky the first time; I’ve only had two and the first one freaked me out so much I just made myself wake up. The second time, I looked around my room for a little bit, but was afraid to go out of the door so I woke myself up again.

To increase your frequency of LD’s you should do more RC’s and try different LD techniques, one of them is bound to work.

for ages I’ve had crappy dream recall too.

I’ve basically just given up and stopped doing anything…

although… I USED to write the date in my dd before going to bed, I don’t anymore because it uses too much space…

hm… :confused: maybe a connection?

I never started doing RCs IRL… I should start… maybe I should look at my hands when I go through a door.

I remember in my first ld I had 6 fingers! :grin: booya