How long until your first LD?

I heard that it widely varies between people when it comes to achieving your first successful lucid dream, but an average is about 2-3 months. Anyway, I was wondering what the average was on this board? How long did it take you to get your first decent lucid dream?

I had my first LD after about 10 days… but in the beginning I was doing RC’s like non-stop all day, every day. Now I only have a LD about once every two weeks.

it took me two days though i did rts all the time, i tryed to stick my finger through a wall and there u go i knew i was dreaming, though it didnt last long about 1 min

on av i get lding 3 times a week give or take

It took me 3 months before I had my first LD. Lesson: Don’t quit!

It took me about a week for my first lucid dream though, it wasn’t very clear. Just do reality checks like mad, thats what i done.

After 3 days I had a faint low lucid dream. The first month I had a few lucid moments, but I always awoke by the shock.
The first REAL lucid dream came after 6 weeks. Now (10 months later) I have 3 lucid dreams a week, sometimes less, sometimes more.

First lucid moment within a week. First LD within the next 4 weeks.

I wish I had the time to do as much dream work as I did at the beginning, you can easily become less motivated if you go to long without any success. 3-4 month dry spell but I’m getting close again. After my 5 diplomas I g2 write I’ll be good to go.

But back on topic it all really depends on your motivation, the time you invest. You reap what you sow and all that. :wiske: Unless you’re a ‘natural’
:razz: Shakes fist angrily :scream:

The average is about one month so far, but is varying as expected.

I think Raging_Canadian is right, depends on how much effort you put forth. I am trying to put more effort into reality checks, but I forget to do them throughout the day. I don’t think I am concentrating enough when doing them either.

I can’t remember, but hte first year I guess I had no more then 5 LDs.
I think I only got interested in LD after having my first 2 LDs.

it took me about 3 weeks or a month… Then i had another 3 weeks later, but i havent had another one for a while…

it took a week… since then i’m up to one or two a week.
wahaha! soon i will control the world!!

three days, one of my favorite LD’s…as most first ones are.

My first LD came 5 days after I first heard about the whole idea of realizing you are dreaming. The next one was 5 days later. In between I had a few dreams where I was reading a book about LDing, or something like that. Hopefully I’ll keep this pattern. :smile:

Pinkster :lmao:

i had my first ld about maybe a month after i had heard about this thing. actually i haven’t had any lds since that, so maybe it was beginners luck or something… too bad…

Hmm… :neutral: It only took me a week. Maybe that’s because I’ve had LDs before when I was young but didn’t know exactly what they were. I still remember one. I was running around a house and I yelled to one of my friends “WOW! You’re in my dream too!” I had a few more but I don’t remember most of them…

I had a few spontanious ones without trying. But after I serously became interested and made LDing a practise, I had one after about a month.