brainmaster eeg unit

I found on the internet they are selling a sophisticated eeg device that shows your brainwave activity alpha/beta/thelta/delta etc… for $1k has anyone ever used a eeg device before to help them with biofeedback so they know which range to be in (ie the low theta) when meditating or trying to have an obe? Sounds very tempting because it literally tells you or you can program it to tell you when you reach certain states so it really trains your brain in biofeedback and people for example who have attention deficit disorder they train their brain to be more responsive and they become now if one is trained to go into theta brainwave states on their own then this can be a powerful device for obe maybe even lucid dreaming I don’t know how that would work for lucid but it sure would help with obe.

I found a site if you go to the mailing list … eneeg-list open eeg project where they are developing software to work on over the shelf electronic devices they’re still in beta but after they are done there will be some people cloning the boards and selling it for really cheap in a few months time I guess sure beats paying $1k.

nice info. I think Jeff has an EEG machine.

I also would really like to try this machine out. :smile: Hopefully they get cheaper or a cheap homemade version can be made.

here is a site that has the diagram/parts list and price it costs $200 in parts to build it yourself if they can mass produce this thing they can bring down the cost to $100 already assembled. Its still in the beta stages but still way cheaper than $1k upto $5k which does the same thing plus many different software apps are written for it. I hope this thing picks off or atleast some vendor will to assemble kits for this, all one has to do is play with theta/alpha states alpha is for some alertness theta is for lucid dreaming so if you train the brain for mostly theta (not delta thats deep sleep no dreams) and a little alpha for alertness you can lucid dream in no time.

No weagle it is the alpha u need or a 50% mix of alpha and beta. I know that sounds strange…because rem sleep dreaming is built on theta (visuals and memory hippocampus work at theta)…
But the bridge between your consiousness (cortex) and the hippocampus, witch is your memory…is the thalamus…that works with alpha and theta.
Alpha is the bridge between theta and beta waves…rem sleep and waking.

Pure alpha is like delta an experience of emptyness…
This u also create when u practise zen meditation.
And many zen masters got free lds with their zen level…
I do it now a few months and indeed i got better and more lds…because of the alpha…created in zen :smile:

Btw an eeg machine isnt all fun…i had one 4 ten years but when i used it i had to scratch skin away at my head to conduct better the electric signals.
That was not fun that scratching, it damaged my skin lol…
But hell did i do research…all drugs and meditation and rem and self hypnosis…gave me many answers and a good insight in consciousness while linked on that EEG machine.

I want to do some experiments with alpha waves stroboscope and rem sleep and apha waves sounds and rem sleep…because i know now from long research that the thalamus is not only the bridge but also the key to our lucidity :smile:

This means that if u can stimulate alpha good u have longer rem sleep…
i tried that experiment already with hypnosis in dreams…creating a alpha trance in my ld to block beta, witch is consciousness. Beta soon gets dominant over alpha and theta. And it worked…dreams from a few minutes became 15 to 20 minutes. Not a wonder but still a big improvement.
Ways to induce alpha are;
meditation…like zen is the best here!
And maybe but i dont know that yet…alpha stroboscope or alpha sound?
Or a alpha beta experience…then u should fine tune the balance between alpha and beta…
And this last one could be it i think…ok stroboscoop u must be in my closet
somewhere…JEff needs you…lol :happy:



:smile: What i ment was that with alpha and beta 50% mix created by stroboscoop and sound…binaural beat…i may can induce much more lds?
Interesting experiment…i could:

  1. try alpha beta binaural beat mix
  2. same but with stroboscoop at alpha hz

Hoping to stimulate the thalamus and open while in rem or non rem the door to our consciousness :happy:
Mm my exploring instincts begin to RoaRR…

When u are awake zen and hypnosis are best for inducing alpha waves…in a ld I like self hypnosis more because dreams were made for hypnosis…If u are experienced with it that is!


So binaural beats really make a difference?
I tried to get Brainwavegenerator to lower my Hz but I didn’t feel any different. Only thing was that the sound of the fan on my PC seemed completely changed.
Do you know where I would get alpha/beta binaural beats that I can burn to a CD to listen to while sleeping, if that’s what you are suggesting?

Did you record EEG data while sleeping? You seem to suggest that you did, so I would wonder if going lucid would be marked by a noticeable change. Could such a change in brainwave frequencies lead to waking up quickly, like I always do? And without a change in brainwave frequency, could someone really be conscious / lucid?

By the way, Alpha Waves is the name of the first track on a great album -
Finelines by My Vitriol.

:smile: Hi Bowlfish, I almost forgot you :happy:

Maybe hypnodude can help u with the alpha beta binaural beat…or someone else i did not yet configure it myself.

Bowlfish go practise zen meditation…that also helps big time for getting lds…also read of course and do all other things mentioned at this forum for getting lds.
Yes i have recorded eeg while sleeping and having rem and lds… :smile:
The difference wasnt that big! from normal rem :sad:
In a ld u got a little more beta waves…meaning your cortex is a bit more active then in normal rem. So the cortex becomes a bit more dominant.
At the point i woke up from lds i saw alpha waves declining and beta rise.
So if u can block beta waves in your ld u can dream longer.
I tried that with hypnosis and indeed my lds became longer for say 300 %
to 400 %. (with alpha trance or sleep trance)
But besides blocking beta waves, you should also stimulate theta waves…your memory works with theta waves. Spinning stimulates theta waves at eeg. Pure association also gives theta waves…so hypnosis again should and could be the trick.
Still i was not able to perfected it yet to that level :smile:
One of my studies is using my dreambody for this experiment.
So i let parts of my dreambody fall asleep…and so i stay longer in a ld
But then i cant do what i want lol…like walking.
Well i can still think of a hunderd things to experiment for to solve this all
but it takes time lol and good lds… :smile:

Well its not only your eeg bowelfish its also your neurotransmitter acetylcholine that keeps u dreaming…
Acetylcholine is the molecule our memory works on…and in rem becomes a 100 times more active then at day time…yes wow!
So a person that would want to stay in a ld for hours should block beta waves (not 100% though) and stimulate acetylcholine…
So it still puzzles me how to do it …
But thats also were the fun lays…exploring the unknown :wink:

Bowlfish the easiest way 4 you to have progress is this…
If you can create for yourself more early in rem recognision you are dreaming…and not at the almost end of rem sleep…your lds already will be way longer :happy:


wow Jeff thats amazing info :happy:

So how would one go about doing hypnosis in a lucid dream?

Hi Ceavou :smile:

Well first u have to understand that dreaming and hypnosis are verry closed linked. It are both levels of consciousness of pure association, suggestion! ok?! :wink:

Then u only have to read a good book about self hypnosis or hypnosis…
Practise in real live…not right away in your dreams…because you experience the already a bit how it works. And also good 4 memory.
Then in a ld just look in front of you and say the same suggestion over and over again while looking at one fixed spot in front of you… there are many ways of course to induce hypnosis…this is just for you so you know how to start. But u need to practise in real live because u need to experience the relaxation of your body and how to get out of it to.
But u can try in a ld by giving yourself a suggestion over and over again.
and by looking at one point in front of you. Still you will have more succes if you read a book about selfhypnosis first and practised it a bit in real live…


hey jeff, do you know any good sources online on the topic of hypnosis and self-hypnosis? i read a book that had info on it, but that wasn’t all that detailed.
the brainwave generator also has two ‘hypnosis’ beats… are they any good while trying self-hypnosis?


Hmmm nope, i have a good basic book for self hypnosis! :smile:
But I think if you type selfhypnosis at google u will get anough stites that will give info…
