Riddles part III- the chaos continues...

This is the third part of the topic Riddles the chaos continues…
Part II has been locked. You can find it here:

No no, John isn’t ‘only a child’, he’s ‘an only child’, meaning he has no brothers or sisters :smile:

Oh lol my bad never mind then :cool_laugh:

I’ve got one for you.

A father and his son are driving in a car down a road. They get into a horrorible accident. Both are taken to different hospitals. The boy has to go to surgery. The surgen comes in and says I can’t work on this boy it is my son. Explain why this is.

its his mom

its his mom, the surgen

A man was traveling in a foreign country heading for the Village of Truth. As he was traveling down the road, he came to a fork in the road. He knew to one side was the Village of Truth, and to the other side the Village of Lies. Everyone from the Village of Truth could only tell the truth, but everyone from the Villiage of Lies could only lies. As he was looking around he saw a man in a nearby cornfield. He was sure the man was from one of the two villages, but he wasn’t sure which one. The man could only ask the man in the cornfield one question. What is the one question he could ask the man to figure out which way to go to get to the Village of truth?

Your right Neo, the surgen is his mom.

Ask “where do you come from?”. If the man came from the village of lies, then he’ll point to the village of truth. If the man came from the village of truth, then he’ll point home. Either way you’ll get to the village of truth.

Ask “where do you come from?”. If the man came from the village of lies, then he’ll point to the village of truth. If the man came from the village of truth, then he’ll point home. Either way you’ll get to the village of truth.

Wow, I can’t believe this thread is still alive… not surprisingly, the riddles are being repeated… I will have to collect some more to post on here…

Here’s one for you. Three tourists enter a Hotel to get a room for the night. The clerk at the desk charged them thirty dollars for the room and each tourist payed the clerk 10 dollars. About an hour later, the clerk realized he had overcharged the tourists for the room. He summoned the bell hop and said, "Go to the room and give the tourists these five one dollar bills. " But on his way to the room, the bell hop decided to pocket two dollars and gave each tourist one dollar each. This meant that each tourist had now paid 9 dollars each for the room. Now 3 tourists times 9 dollars comes to a total of twentseven dollars. The two dollars that the bell hop pocketed makes the total to 29. What happened to the other dollar? :content:

Sorry to say this Wizard, but i think that that riddle has already been posted here in part I or II.

part IV