
Ok, has this ever hapened to someone else, everyone?..

Well like 4 years ago I was walking in my schools gym, and I looked down, and I saw the strangest thing… A little yellow Thing… It was lazily floating around, I started walking and more appered they walked with me and eventually it stopped, but now every once in a whil I can see the same things… Its cool and its happening alot more… but never in that intensity.

I also notice it happens the most when I am happy Calm etc.

Are you sure you weren’t dreaming? :wink:

You know when you look at the sun too long and then you look at something else and spots appear there? It could be as simple as that, and you just take more notice of them in a bright place like a gym. That would explain why they appear to be following you.

No It Was reality I am sure3 of it, and I see them alot, And itsw not those. Its something, different, I saw one an hour ago. Really this is weird.

oh, what if these things are some “spirits” or something. how cool would that be :cool_laugh: ? …and yea, actually i have no idea what they could be, if it’s not the sun-thing. but i hope that you find out :smile:

Did you try touching them or… well… asking them? :wink:

Is it actually physical? What I mean is does it look like a physical object, if so, what happens if you try and touch it. You might just be having very simple hallucinations. :eh:

Hmm… in the gym?
You know you can see those colours when you are lying on the floor and stand up quickly or something.Don´t remember the english word :blush:

Also, when I lye on my bed and stare at the white ceiling I can see some colours after a while, I think that is more the way you experienced it.They look as if someone points with a colored lamp at the ceiling, usually they are yellow, green or pink.
Don´t know exactly why this happens, but I believe it is a similiar effect to the “looking at the sun”.
However, there are people who say they can see (body) energy as colourfull light.I am not sure what to think about it, but I don´t think that they are all liars


You said you are seeing them a lot more, have you ever seen them when other people are around? Can they see it/them?

It sounds to me like some kind of halucination thing. Or perhaps it is some kind of permanent thing that happened to your eyes. Do you only see them when you stare at them or when your eyes are moving?