
I’m going to a Digital Arts Festival in Sheffield ( ) this weekend. Anyway the following cinema screening seemed like it might be of interest to people here…

Intruiging, no?

Well I’ll post again saying if it was any good or not. I’d expect it to show in other venues in the UK and elsewhere if it gets a good response.

You lucky…id love to see it

Well it wasn’t quite what I expected.

For one thing one of the artists (the one with the brain - heh, you know what I mean) wasn’t there and was very ill apparently. Understandably the other seemed a bit run-down.

It seemed that it was just images of MRI scans, moving back and forth through the structure of the brain. Certainly there was no viusal representation of brain activity over time. However what I read in the programme later suggested that the montage of scans was contolled by audio which was generated from electrical activity readings of the brain. The audio was weird and powerful but incorporated a lot of things including buzzing and vocals so it was difficult to interpret. “EEG readings” was in the credits however.

When the artist talked about the film he didn’t mention this though, he mentioned certain other aspects of the audio, and I still don’t know how the EEGs were converted into sound, what sounds they were, and most importantly what the subject was doing while the readings were taken.

On the whole though it was a decent 6 mins and 35 seconds of stuff, with a strange disturbing character to the film.