About dream time

It’s very possible to have very long lucid dreams. Dreams that last hours days and even weeks. A friend once told me that he had a lucid dream that lasted a whole year. If even hours in dreams that are only minutes in real time is possible, who’s to say that there’s any limit to how long a person can will a dream to last. What if you could spend any amount of time in a dream. Not just days or weeks, but years and decades. What if it was possible to spend centuries and so forth in dreams. Or maybe damn near forever. If anything is possible in dreams then I would think that to achieve years and years would be very possible for a person who is an expert at lucid dream just by will if people report spending days in dreams and there’s already techniques to do it. So it could be said that a 25 year old was actually 65 or even 800 years old when you combined his real age plus all the time he’s spent in his dream life. What if I told you I was just a little over 3 million years old. Reply and tell me what you think about it

Great concept. I’ve thought about it a little… I’m not a Star Trek nut or anything, but I do remember a paticular episode that seems to apply. Picard gets knocked out or something, and lives an entire life in a dream… like 40+ years. He has a kid, learns to play the flute, and then dies. After his death he is roused into his “real” life and wakes up on the bridge of his ship.

Why not? 3 million years may be a stretch, but I think LDers certainly can accumulate more experience than non LDers.

i have always wondred how all that time spent in a dream wil efect your memory. Will you be able to continue with your life after waking up, or will you use some time to know where you are? But ofcourse there is only one way to find out! It would be cool to try living your life in a different way, maybe you want to be a popstar, a soldier or a bird in a life, just to check it out. would be fun. Im gonna try that when I get a better hold on LDing. Shearing this too would be extra fun.

Yes. Like a Matrix in miniature. :wink: Imagine having a year-lasting-shared-dream with some of your friends. Live with them in a dream for years. Now that would be an experience.

What if when we die we’ll actually wake up from a very very very long dream. I wonder if Picard had “dreams” in his dream life

Do you have a site or something where there is more information about this type of dreaming?

Now we are talking about Star Trek, you might be able to slow down time using your mind. You might also try to summon people and teleport using the same tricks as Q in Startrek. (Like for the Dutch in todays episode) Just think and snap yer fingers! :alien:

Stopping real time in your Lucid Dreams means making the Lucid Dream last far more than the time passed by in the physical world. Like having a dream that last a few minutes in real time, while you might experience it as a few days in the dream. By doing this can you enjoy the dream scape a lot more, since you can spend days in the dream while it really just last a few minutes. Robert Monroe even reported experiencing 100 years in a 2 hours OOBE. But to experience this might be difficult, little research have been done on this area. And those that experience it don’t consciously try to have them. Still, there are a few techniques you might try. First of all, set your intention to stop real time. Have that intention in mind while having your Lucid Dream. Picture yourself being in the dream for days, maybe even weeks before you wake up. You might try to saying out loud: “Stop time now!” You can try looking at your clock in the dream, and imagine that the clock slow down and stop. You might try to expect the dream to last for days. You might try visualize two pyramids, connected at their bases counterrotating. And maybe visualize multiple pyramids rotating inside each other all rotating. This is something worth going for, as it may give you incredible long Lucid Dreams.

That text sounds familiar. Sounds exactly like the one in the LD-FAQ found at home.no/lucid/link.htm
not a dumb place to start btw

It gets weirder…
I think it is possible to stop time (almost) completely when in a dream. Time does not exist. It is somethink humans thought up, by calculating the ‘time’ it would take to circle the sun and all.
I a dream physics work differently, you can even change them, ever tried to create 0 gravity or reverse gravity?

So it might be possible to have a lucid dream of (hypothetical) about a million years or something.

But i think that extending a dream might get dangerous… When you are dreaming for a few years (dream time) you might be starting to forget people you knew in real life. The date when you went sleeping, and if you dream for 100 years, you could forget who you are completely…or am I just paranoid??

I think you´d perhaps still remember “this life”.But if not… you´ll learn it again.Would be strange if that happens to someone you know.Suddenly your friend has forgotten you,but can tell endless storys about wierd things…
Perhaps it already happened,and these people are know in stuffed with drugs in some “psycho clinic”?
I don´t think so,but who knows…
Anyway,it could be worth it.At least you get another life instead…
But i think this isn´t very likely to happen,you should be able to wake up after some time if you want to.The question is only IF you want


Yes stopping time completely should be very possible. But the thing about memory. I think that your real life should be remembered completely and only your dream life would probably be not remembered as well. Since it’s so easy to forget dreams. People can even slow time in waking reality. Slow their own time not everyone elses. So it’s obvious it can be done in dreams.

Stopping real time is impossible, or is it?

Depends on what you think what so called “real time” is.If you really try to explain time you´ll get problems…
I think time is movement,if nothing moves,time stands still.
You can control dreams.
So,let´s say you jump off a tower in your dream.It should be possible to stop everything but yourself falling.
Ok,so now your falling is the only movement,the only thing that “creates” time.All you have to do now is to slow it down,you fall slower and slower… time will stretch… you can spend a whole year on falling from this tower.

Ok,i am sure here are some mistakes in this,all i wanted to say it that there is nothing like “real time”,only subjective time perception


I ve just read the tibethan theory about nature of time.In their opinion time isnt linear but consists of many little points which only humans connect into one line.
They say that time works only “at the moment” while we do certain thing…when we sleep time does not exist.And again starts flowing when we wake up.
I guess this is something to think of,i dont get this whole idea too good yet.Heh its complicated and having most articles in english doesnt really help.
I wish i had more sciencific mind…but ,well gods didnt give me too much understanding of abstractions:(

Well, time doesn’t exist in the basic sense of the word. You can’t measure it or weigh it, prove its existence in any way. Its merely a concept we have as beings with a limited lifespan to explain the break down and movement of bodies of matter, atoms, planets, suns… ourselves… whatever. Since its just a concept you should be able to bend it anyway you want to within your dreams just like you break the other laws of physics.

Grant I LOVE that episode. Its like my favorite ST:NG episode. The way it ends with him just playing the flute softly and you hear it out in space as the ship passes by… sweet.

I can’t wait to try this tomorrow to stop time and stuff and live a year in my dream when I have my WILD tomorrow

I think it should be possible to slow down time in dreams, but not stop it completely.
The brain can only have so many things going on in it at once, with only so many synapses and such, so if we stop time then we would be having an infinite amout of neural actvity going on in our brain at once. I don’t know how this can be possible, do you?
I do think that you can slow down time in dreams, because your brain can think faster and do stuff faster than in RL. Right now you could make a very long and complex story of, for example, going to the pyramids in Egypt and getting trapped and speaking to many people. You can do all this in your head in a few seconds, but not in no time at all.
I guess to test this see how fast you can ‘replay’ yesterday in your head and multiply that by 24 hours. If you could replay yesterday in your head in an hour (for simple calculation) then that means that for every hour you dream in RL you could be living a whole day. Also it might seem like more than this because you could cut out all the stuff like going to the toilet.

Sorry…i forgot to mention that if you had one of these really long dreams, i don’t think you woud forget RL memories and life, unless they overwrote your exsisting memory, which i think they should only do if your subconscious believes them to be more important than your RL memories.
Also i think that no matter what happens you would still remember the highlights of your RL and dream life.

As someone posted in one of other topics you can remeber a dream easier in an other dream than in real life. This might be becouse there is two different part of the brain. if thats true it would be as easy to remeber the day before, after a 100yr dream as it is after 1hr dream. This might also explain why we can have dreams longer than reality (I think must of us belive that longer dreams than reality is posible after all the exaples of peoples that have had it.)

BTW. we need a shorter word for dreams longer than reality, maybe DLTR (Dreams Longer Than Reality)


Im not sure how you come to this conclusion. Why would there be infinite neural activity? You aren’t actually stopping time its only a case of perception. Your brain is feeding itself signals which you are percieving as “reality” … the dream.