
Hi everybody,

I am trying to introduce the new use of a word to the world, and I need your help.

The word is Ultra! and it replaces now soon to be obsolete words such as cool, bitchin, rad, wicked, sweet, tight, phat, neato, swell and many others.
For example- Wow, that last post FireHorse wrote was way ultra!

I’d really appreciate if everybody on the forums could start using it as soon as possible, and out of respect for the fact that I came up with it, could you please deposit 5 cents in my online account for each use (the first hundred uses only, I am not greedy) it will really help me get the word out there to the world!

Here is my alphanumeric online account # 1P2A3Y4N5O6W7

Thank you,

Ultra! I like it :content: I’ll start saying it, but I doubt if people will say it with me because I always randomly say words, but I’ll definently try! New words are super Ultra (I dont know if It can be used that way :smile:)

You now owe .05 cents! :grin:

Are you serious Firehorse about donations? And what ‘online account’ are you talking about?


Yes, it can be used that way, or even better you can say that something is ultra ultra!
(combining the old and new meanings of the word) Thanx. :tongue:


If you read the account number closely it may answer your question. :wink:

sorry Firehouse! I’m not going to donate 5cents for saying Ultra! But I will try and get my friends to say Ultra, is that the copywrite fine or something :wink: heehee!



So it’s a bogus account. I don’t get it. :neutral:


For you it’s free. :tongue:


you pay double. :eh:


Just kidding! :tongue:

I know this has been asked b4 but it has GOT to be asked again. Are you SErioUS about depositing money in your account for using a word that you ‘suposedly’ came up with ? I’m sorry for sounding absolutely rude…but what the hell are you on ? I know you you said “out of respect…”, but who do you think will actually donate 5cents to you ? This is the craziest and dumbest thing i have read about on the forum. I mean…do you realize how stupid it truly is ? If every body did this in the world, imagine how rich they’d be. I think you should take some time to clear you mind before you put anymore of these kinds of posts up.
P.S Sorry if im rude by saying this, but its got to be said.


I’m charging you triple! :mmm:

Is THAt right ?? !!??


Well, if you apologize I’ll knock it down to 7 cents, but thats it! :eh:

Ultra! Yay, I’m hip! :cool:
deposits 5 cents



Hi everybody,

This might be good time to end this thread, since it doesn’t seem to be producing the lighthearted, humorous effect I was hoping for (to say the least). :tongue:

firehorse - yo gotta understand many people from all over the world don’t get your wacky humour :wink:

but i thought it was Ultra…

now for taking up 5minutes of my time i charge you $45 minus the 5cents for use of the word

which can be credited to #1D2O3N4T5B6E7S8IL3L9Y4

Houw much will I get charged for saying peins?

The stupid reactions are the funniest part! :lmao:

Hey, don’t look at me, I tried to play along. :nono:

I thought it was funny, just couldn’t think of anything to respond :wink: