The Vibrations

When experiencing WILD, or going into an OOBE, you tend to feel vibrations/buzzing/pulsating through your body.

From a pro-OOB perspective they’re probably explained as the feeling of your ‘etheric’/‘astral’ body pulling away from your physical body, but what about a skeptical viewpoint? If you’re not actually leaving your body then what’s causing the vibrations? Any theories floating around?

Maybe it’s the feeling you get from having your senses literally turned off.

Yep:)Sciencific term for those vibrations is “sleep paralisis”-when your brain shuts down your senses and connections betweent muscles and nervous system.

So why vibrations specifically? In fact, why any ‘extra’ feeling at all? If your senses are shutting down why don’t you feel normal one moment and then feel nothing the next?

Propably because its all based on electrical impulses.Thats how human body is built:).And btw…its very rare thing to notice those vibrations,most of the people dont know about them at all,they just blackout into sleep before it happens.

Everything in the universe vibrates. Matter, being the grossest form of “reality” vibrates at a relatively slow rate. Energy vibrates much faster than matter, and thought vibrates the fastest of all. In order for you to experience waking life as real, your dream body (soul, spirit, mojo) has to slow its vibratory rate to equal that of your slowly vibrating physical body. As you fall asleep, your dream body is released from its carnal prison and begins to vibrate faster and faster as it returns to its natural state. It is sometimes possible to become aware of this process - hence the vibrations you feel while falling asleep. But those are only the very beginning. After the vibrating starts, the rate increases exponentially until you suddenly find yourself free and in the dream world.

Disclaimer: none of the above is meant to be taken as the truth, as I’m just making it up as I go along. :shy:

Probably some very complicated chemical and biological process that can only be ‘measured’ subjectively anyways :content:

I still like first explanation better :wink:

I know many people have felt these vibrations, but i have never felt anthing like them either when falling asleep or doing WILD. Why is it that some people don’t feel anything? Do i just fall asleep too fast?