Was this WILD?...

Odd experience last night, I think it may of been WILD, let me explain.
I wake up about 4 o’clock because the cat was meowing to go out so I let him out and go back to bed, I decide im gonna try some WILD.
So I start saying “Im gonna have a Lucid Dream” over and over, and soon enough I see this white cloud engulf me (Im still aware) and im hearing all these sounds like an ocean and things like “This is a dream” And im thinking at this moment “I can’t belive it, finally im Lucid”
Then all these images start going by really fast, then this monkey comes outta the darkness, I ask him “When will I become lucid?” the monkey replies, “Very soon” and I wake up.
Now can anyone tell me what that was about?

It sounds like your unconoius is picking up on the fact that you want to become lucid. Keep up the work and you will have another one in no time.

Repeating to yourself “i am gonne have a ld” lol thats a hypnosis tech
You were in a trance and not far from rem sleep or a ld…just one step further and you would have been there…not bad at all!
