
I drink a glass of milk every night just before I go to bed, whether that would have the same effect as cheese I don’t know. But every time I do, I always notice increased dream recall, the dreams being longer and more vivid. I’m pretty sure I have more lucid dreams when I drink milk, but it’s hard to tell. I should start keeping track.

BLECH…i can’t stand milk! but if it’s in the interest of dreaming…i’m gonna try it :smile:

I heard from somewhere that cheese and dairy products upsets the stomach, which sends messages to the brain, which make for interesting dreams. (i’m not shure if this is right) but i just thought you might want to know that…


I guess all things are Lucid inducers if you believe it is.
If you strongly believe that eating a ton cheese will give you lucid dreams then you probably will create that reality for yourself so to speak.
If you believe that killing a blind person on the street before you go to bed will get you lucid dreams, then you probably will have one.

For me, i think talking to yourself that you will have one is most effective.
Writing a note to yourself everynight that you will have one will probably get you lucid dreams.
Anything that can convince/fool yourself will do.

But i think that talking is better than eating cheese, you will not put on so much fat :wink:

well the milk worked for me! i remembered six dreams last night so i’m not complaining at all. i’ve been thinking about writing something like “i’m going to have a lucid dream tonight” like ten times a night or something…but i haven’t done it yet.

I believe in the cheese :happy: I’ve had a couple nights not remembering my dreams, last night I ate a hunk of cheese :eh: and remembered a really long complex dream and had a near LD :grin: cheese is good, so eat cheese :alien:

I just heard this on the radio the other day. Some guy has been doing research with cheese, and he found out that theres something in it that changes into an opate when you disgest it, or something like that anyway. So I’m thinking maybe this has something to do with its effects on dreams aswell?

The thing is, it could really work or it could be just because you believe it will. It’s sorta like when people were given sugar pills and they thought it was medicine. The got better because they believed in it. It’s all in the mind. If you truely belive something strongly enough with bit of doubt it will work.

There is something actually to it beyond placebo affects. It affects how deeply you sleep and that affects how well you remember your dreams. Every biological system varies to certain extents, however, so the effect is not the same for everyone. Eating cheese does nothing for me. Warm milk might though. It helps me sleep better.

This would still apply to cheese cake and strawberry milk right?

lol…i’m guessing so, because if you search around the site and find the lucid foods section it says pretty much any dairy products…

Well, actually I had my first LD after eating some bread with cheese before going to sleep. At that time I knew nothing about its connection to LDs. I guess it couldn’t be placebo effect then…

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I would just want a full scientific explanation on cheese affecting dreams, would convince me enough.

What ads?

Apparently dairy products stimulate Melatonine production in one’s brain.

I don’t have a definite answer, but I believe it has something to do with a chemical present in cheese called tyramine. Tyramine is a monoamine (MAO) like serotonin, which is the brain’s chemical regulator for dreaming (although tyramine’s main function is to regulate blood pressure). I think these two chemicals act on the same receptors in the brain.

It’s just a guess, though. It’s interesting to note that caffeine has a moderate amount of tyramine in it as well. Some people here have mentioned getting lucid dreams off of caffeine before bedtime.


thanks dudes, i knew it was something about some chemicals reacting in the brain, but that’s it

but it’s more than just a placebo. It’s supposed to… not digest properly or something… so then you’re supposed to have nightmares :cool_laugh:

which I believe… I tried eating cheese before going to bed a while ago, and although I don’t remember a nightmare, I definetely woke up scared :bored:

I hate waking up being scared after a nightmare… you’re scared in such a freaky way :bored:

Harlequin was mentioning serotonin levels etc…

Just another tid bit: Chocolate Chip cookies also increase levels of serotonin in the brain. So how about CC cookies and milk? Hummm, gonna have to try that tonight :wink:


Milk and cheese are rich in tryptophan which is a precursor to serotonin. I have heard that heating the product causes the tryptophan to become more activated and I have found this to be true in my experiences. Figuring that milk was good and heated milk was better, I went to the next level of drinking heated half and half or even a heavy cream/half and half mixture. I add some hot cocoa mix to make it palitable. Some of my best dream sessions follow taking this before sleep. Highly recommended- and if it fails you have some awesome hot chocolate but with about a million calories…