Yay me!

Hey everyone, guess what! (don’t try and guess, I’m about to tell you)

Well, we’ve got a magzine here called 100 magazine. It’s a fairly local thing (only for the Norfolk area), but there’s an address to which you can send in recommendations. So yeah, I sent them a link to this site, and they say they’ll feature it as soon as they can. I’m really pleased about this (as you can maybe tell), so yeah. Cool, huh?

HURRAY! Good job! :grin: Yay you! (Yay us!)

Thats great ! ^^ I ts a goo dthing u thought of sending them ThiS adress!! Glad some ppl will get the opportunity to experience something much more than what they would usually experience IRL !! Good job^~

:thumbs: :smile: :smile:
that’s great :smile: :bounce:
If they feature it can you share what they wrote? :grin: