What is your favourite dream theme?

Hi evryone! I thougt it would be nice to hear what your favourite dream theme is! Personally my favourite is Fighting. I practice alot of martial arts and i just love to fight in my dreams, you can make so many cool moves that you cant do IRL.

Also do you focus in any special way when you want a LD?

anythign that scares me - i like to be scared. Movies don’t work for me because there is no “risk” in dreams there maybe no risk but in a non-ld you don’t realise this so fear feels genuine.

Action dreams and the ones where it’s a alien invasion force attacking.


Being chased by law enforcement is really exciting, but I think I like the ocean better…

Its not an LD theme but I often dream of being in a city during a plague or just after one has taken the majority of the populace. I can recall one from a long time ago where the plague caused the vicitm to combust. I walked around in a city full of smoldering corpses all night looking for and banding together with other survivors.

Recently I had a plague-dream where the victims vomited themselves to death. So forcefully, in fact, that there lips and cheeks burst open revealing their bared teeth and gums.

The last one I had I was searching through peoples mostly empty houses. Some people hung themselves or killed themsleves in other ways so they wouldn’t have to die from the plague itself. Their faces were gray and oozing black blood.

I’m not sure why I have so many of these dreams but they never really disturb me… which may be disturbing (I never have nightmares). I think I like them because I like wandering around the sort of post-apocalyptic cityscapes. Something about the abode of humanity left deserted interests me.

I love getting chased, especially throughout other dream scapes.
Sometimes im chased from natural diasters, people, cops, etc… (get the picture)

But you know what else is fun to do, i like to ride rollercoasters or old rides that i dream of. Some how they seem more thrilling at the time then real life.

Under the water is lots of fun too, once you figure how to breathe, the trip is worth wild and intresting.

I hate the kind of dreams when you have lots of money and you buy everything you like, and you get so involved with this idea (Atleast me) and when you wake up you realize have nothing and it was just a dream. I hate those dreams, i like the feeling of being rich but once i wake up it all goes down hill.

That is interesting…i like that too. I like the stomach twist that you get when you are really scared and aboute to wake up.