Things never stay the same in my dreams... o_O

waves I’m new here! :content:

lol anyway… I have a question/observation/statement thing… when I dream, even in LD’s, stuff (objects, people, places, situations… anything) always end up changing to different things! Usually my regular dreams have like a big epic plot line (lol) and I start out as myself, but then somewhere along the line I’ll change into someone else! :bored:
Like the other night, I turned into Harry Potter… getting ready to fight Voldemort for the last time, and when I woke up I was like, “Huzzah, I’m not Harry! I don’t have to die!” 'Twas quite funny… yeah.
I don’t mind that, but it frustrates me when I’m lucid and I try really hard to create stuff, but then it changes into something completely different. Like one time… I was kissing this bloke I like… and when I pulled away he had turned into a bloody dog! :eek:

Yeah. So I dunno if that’s really a question or not, but if anyone as any suggestions, I’d appreciate it. :grin:

Err… I may have missed your point completely, so I edited this post just to make sure.

I think I get the drift of what you are saying. Hell, I’ve experienced it myself, and I still do, all of the time.

Like, I’ll hear about how people have dreams with big epic plotlines, right? This will make me think “Man, my dreams are always changing from one thing to another.” Like last night, for example. It started off with me seeing this one guy rolling around on a dirt road, and I asked him what he was doing. He said “Don’t you know how far you are?” and all of a sudden I’m staring at this lady shooting people. Now, at the end of the dream, I’m arguing with my mom about picking flowers. It changed so fast… It’s frustrating, to say the least.

Three nights ago, though, I had an awesome dream. I was in an area like the Holocaust/Nazi event, not that that is cool or anything… Anyway, the dream stayed on the same plotline, was long, and really vivid. I could feel my hands when I crawled on the ground trying to hide. It was just so real-feeling…

How about you demand control out loud. Yell " I have control!" Then like say to a charactor, " You disapear Now!" and “I fly up to the Sky now!”

It is Your dream. Be agressive. Demand control. Go where you wanna go. Get what you want. :grrr: Don’t be passive one bit. Feel your powerful energy and use it. Cuz you have that damn right! :wiske:

That is how my dreams ALWAYS are. I cannot think of one where that didn’t happen. The most common thing is the setting just magically transforming to the next scene in my dream. I have no memory of a transition, I was just there suddenly. Rarely do I actually like walk to someplace in my dream. I will just be there. Never during my dreams does it occur to me that this is strange. In fact, I don’t think I ever really notice until I wake up.

The interesting thing is that in my dreams little details like writing in the background never changes,but anything that is the main focus of my dream always changes.

Example:Once in a dream I was taking care of a kitten,later it turned into a full-grown dog,then a puppy,then a dinosaur,WHAT!?!

I too have random dreams, but from my experience I noticed the more a dream holds your attention and interest then the less random it will be. If it seems to start flowing like an “epic story” it will probably stay on a plot of some kind. If you passively are seeing your dream nonchalantly, it changes frequently to something that might entertain you like switching channels on a TV or radio.

That is the most frustrating part of dreaming.

The next scene just becomes the first and the previous scene is like it never existed, and you don’t notice the transition.

The most frustrating thing we just accept things no matter how strange they are.

I can vaguely remember a dream I had when I was a lot younger… I was running through a jungle trying to find something with another person… but the person kept changing! ^^; At first it was my friend from school, then it was my friend from my street, then it was my cousin, and then it was another friend from school. o.O And I didn’t even seem to notice in the dream. :eh: