Boy i hate falling asleep :-D

Is it me or is falling asleep a job and a half?

maybe i just got too much sugar in my system :grin: #

Perhaps you guys have some tips

You might try getting up earlier and ALLWAYS same time.After a while your body will adapt to exact hours.
If not there are many herbal pills to help you go through it and melatonin which does miracles to me:)
good luck

A dark room…no moonlight or sunlight should enter.
Black out the windows with tinfoil or cardboard and sticky tape.
Put some clothes or a rug behind the door to stop light entering from other rooms.
You may have to buy some el-cheapo draught excluder to make the edges of the door jamb seal 100% to block and tiny slivers of light getting through.

Ok…thats the light problem sorted.

Next…noise…you have to have some ‘white noise’ happening in the background to mask any noises of cars driving past or tv in the next room or kids screaming in your ears. Play some very quiet music or relaxation cd’s like ‘forest noises’ or ‘soothing rain’ … even having an air-conditioner running or a fan or heater. Anything that has a low level noise that can block out external noises.

Have pleasant smells in the room. Some incense, room deodoriser, potpourri even.

Keep the bedroom at a nice temperature by using air-con / heating / extra blankets / snuggly pj’s or whatever.

Stick glow in the dark stars all over the walls, ceiling and furniture if you like. (this doesn’t actually help you to sleep…but you may as well have them to look at since you are in total darkness).

Drink chamomile tea / warm milk and honey / sleepy-time herbal tea / umm, any other insomnia drinks?

Take a valerian tablet to make you drowsy. (Take With Caution)

Stay away from the caffeine drinks for a few hours before bedtime.

hmm…I have run out of ideas.
anyone else?

I have trouble falling asleep often. One of the best things whicvh someone already mentioned (I think it was Jack) is to go to bed and wake up at the same time everyday. At least wake up at the same time. This is hard for me and I almost never do it but I’m going to give it a try again.
Like the other person said, melatonin, valerian, chamomile tea may help you sleep too. The biggest thing for me when I can’t sleep is often I think too much when I’m laying in bed. I start to daydream and get too into it and it keeps me up. Try to just let your thoughts do what they want and calmly watch them for a bit until you fall asleep.

You just described my entire room :grin: . . . well, . . at one time. :wink: