Dream Symbolism

[size=75]Have we an area set aside for discussion or interpretation of dream symbolism?
I realise that recording your dreams helps with lucidity. What I need is an understanding of the symbols. Anyone able to point me in the right direction? It would be much appreciated.


I mostly use the dreamdictionary from www.dreammoods.com It has always been very helpfull to me and for others also. I recommend you that site. Good luck!


Long time since I posted this…thank you for your reply.

Since that time however, I have not needed a dictionary to look up symbols as I have come to realise that no-one else can figure out what’s in my head but myself.

Anytime in the past I have looked up the meanings, they have been so discriminating, contradicting and limiting that I have been confused by all the different meanings. One site will say one thing, another site will be the exact opposite or totally unrelated. Everyone seems to have differing opinions.

I tend to trust my own instincts nowadays.
A lesson learnt!

Thank you anyway. :wink:


I have to say, I am a little jealous of some people. Those who’s minds quite easily see the deeper meanings hidden in things. Unfortunately, my mind only sees on the surface which makes interpreting my own dreams an exercise in frustration. :sad:

I’ve got a friend who is rather good at it though. In fact, he’s insanely good at it. He’s currently helping me interpret a recurring dream from when I was a child. Let’s just say he’s very good at it.

I, personally need much more practice to interpret even the most basic dreams. :eh: