YEAH! I did it finally!! (You guys will love this)

Check out my spiffy shiny new Age and Sex under my name! :wink:

To do this, add exactly 14 characters and a space at the end to your “Location” text in your profile. Oh, you can’t have all spaces, only one space allowed in-between words. I learned that the hard way.

Some of you might not be as enthusiastic about this as me but oh well…
Sorry for wasting your time. You guys don’t know a good thing when you see one :grin:

What is it?? Did I do something wrong? Break a rule?? Why are you all ignoring me??!!?!!

Sorry I get a little mad when I don’t see any new replies after dinner

That’s pretty creative. Nice work.

No longer need you live in fear of being asked your age or gender. :eek:

heh well I guess I AM the only person that cares… oh well. Time for the mint tea and the asking subconscious for the whole LD thing. G’night.

I thought you were 15 ???

I share this hallucination :eh:

Whoops. I’ll correct that at once. I’m still used to saying I’m 14 :shy:

Thanks for making me one year closer to smoking and drinking and real prison

Lol Infection :wink:
Well at least you are original :smile:

Many happy lds for you!


I’m not sure I want to divulge my age to everyone. If anyone wants to know they will have to hunt for it elsewhere in the forum. :wink:
If I have to put down my age I might knock a few decades off first! :lmao:

creative solution infection0 :clap:
in the future it will be possible to add your age and gender to your profile (optionally). But it 'll have to wait for the upgrade… But it is on the List! :grin:

:thumbs: Well done Infection0!
tries to add age n sex too

Pah, and here’s me thinking you have some great tale of epic LD adventures :grrr:

Hehehe nice one!

lol at least one person put my info to good use. Sorry about the missing slew of exciting flying and sex foolish :neutral:
it’s too bad, though, I wish I would have had that to say…

Thats a really good idea! In fact, its so good that I’m gonna use it too! :grin: I wish I had thought of it…oh well. Now my egomaniacal desire to impress everyone with my age can be fulfilled! HAHAHAHA!

Anyway, good job on coming up with that. Seems like it would take some work to figure it out…I admire your perseverance. :wink:

Yes! I like your cover up location better than mine. Mine sucks. Look at how bad it has to look to cover 14 characters. Heh. It didn’t take a really long time, it’s just when I noticed that some of the locations come up on a different line… I thought, “Hey, let’s make a new line for Age!” And the rest is guess and check history.

Hehe, exactly what I was thinking!

Still cool though, I’ma try it soon. :spinning: