anyone failing to LD?


odd2k, have you tried the wake back to bed method? that seems to be the most successful method for most people, beginners too.

So far I have tried MILD and WILD.
(WILDing scares the bejeesus out of me though)

I have no trouble recalling dreams. My average is about 4 dreams a night, not very vivid though…
Although this morning I couldn’t remember a single one.

My dreams make perfect sense to me. I just started at a different school, and all my dreams are about schools.
So far I have recorded 8 dreams, seven of them were at a school…

Oh, now that I think about it, I have a really great dreamsign! I guess LDing won’t be so hard after all…

And no, I haven’t had time for WTBTing yet. I did take a nap this afternoon, can’t remember a thing though…

realising a recurring dreamsign is good.
last time i got lucid was when I was falling and I thought about how much its going to hurt me to hit the ground… usually if i am falling in a dream im really scared of the impact…
so then i thought i want to wake up, probably because thats what i did when i was a small and had a nightmare… then i realised, no I can get lucid.

Yes, getting an LD (purposefully, anyways) can take a long time. I’ve been working on it for a few weeks so far. I also am working on dream recall though, and I’m happy with any progress I make :grin: I’ve been trying MILD and WBTB mostly, and although I haven’t achieved an LD from these yet, I have been getting some vivid dreams :wink: Keep working on it!!

Been goin for it for two to three weeks now… no success but it’s excusable in such a short time. :content:
My recall has improved though and that in itself is pleasing… but I WILL go all the way! I know I can! (And you should take that nature too :grin: )

I’ve been trying to have a lucid dream for 14 months now and haven’t been successful yet :bored: . I think I remember someone else saying they had been trying for two years and hadn’t had one, so I haven’t broken that record yet. Anyway, I don’t mean to discourage you. Just don’t give up.

How hard have you been trying. I mean trying really hard. I am doing wbtb and mild every nigth now. I remember more of my dreams and the somehow seem moe vivid, totaly clear, the only thing i need now is llucidity. Last nigth i was accually saying to myself damn, when am i going to have a LD cause i just “woke up”. Really creepy how real it was. I eaven watched TV for 5 seconds to see what the time was. I realized how i can can LD or a way. When you write down your dreams and find a pattern of your dreams. So if you usually dream about opening doors, you should ask yourself if “this is a dream” in real life, then you will do so in a dream bacause that is what you usually do in real life.


  • Eat vitamin B 6 and 12 before going to bed
  • Try asking yourself as oftent as you can in the day if you are dreaming.
  • Be posetive, if you think you cant get lucid you wont get lucid, bacause then you are not motivated when you are “uncountius”.

Theese tips is to be found anywhere, but good advice cant be repeted too oftent.

Yeah everybody can do it with some practice. Just don’t give up, keep trying.

In response to Delusional’s post…

I also use MILD and occasionally WBTB, and though I still haven’t achieved lucidity, it helps my dream recall a lot. Every time I use MILD I have at least one incredibly vivid dream that I remember :smile:

I would say if you can remember one vivid dream per nigth you are on good way to get lucid, now you just need training to see whats real and whats dream.If you got a digital watch on your arm (i dont, i should) you should look at it oftent, so oftent you make it a habit, and ask yourself is thes dream, oh and allways look two times, then in your undecoutions, whenever you dream to take a peek at your clock two times, to see the second time your clock only showing you rubbish. I have not testet it, but it should be bulletproof (hehe). I have started experiment (desided at school). Everytime you see billboards or anything with text, look twise. Exploit all the easyest way to bust your mind in dreaming and take controll of the situation.

I have been putting a lot of effort towards it. I’ve tried most of the techniques; I think the only thing I haven’t tried are the vitamins or any of those lucid inducing goggles. I don’t think I’ve been trying too hard either, I take it easy sometimes.

Right now I usually remember one dream on a typical night and nights I put a lot of effort in I usually remember about 2 or 3. Thanks for the tips, I’ll keep trying. I recently noticed that I’m really starting to notice inconsistencies in my dreams so I guess it’s only a matter of realizing it’s a dream now.

Hey folks,
It does seem to be very different for everyone… I have been working on LD’ing somewhat for a few years, but most seriously since last January. I’ve only had 2 LD’s this year.
I’m not so sure that trying “hard” is a good strategy in general. I went on a total fanatic obsession with it a couple of months ago, working hard on MILD, RC’s, Dream journaling, WBTB, …all the biggies. After a couple of weeks with no success, I got sooooooo frustrated and threw up my hands and stopped thinking about/working on it. Just a couple of nights ago, I had my first LD in several months… so I’m starting to think that the psyche might resist being “forced” to LD. I think the techniques are good and helpful, but I think that a relatively laid back attitude of letting it happen might work for some.
The other thing I think about sometimes is that I think that even if I never LD, the exercises and knowledge about the subject still enhance my life and awareness. One of those enjoying the journey things…

I think the conclusion here should be that everyone can LD, some just need to put much more effort into it due to, amongst other things, mental blocks and such

I’ve been into forms of meditation for about a year, but I’ve been into LDs about 3 weeks now. The only success I had so far was a low level lucidity dream that made me face an enemy in a nightmare. This was enough modivation to continue on persistently with this. I think its a unique experience when you go lucid during a nightmare and save youself returning the dream to normal. I only stayed lucid for 10 seconds though :neutral:

I dont expect much from only 3 weeks though. Like everyone else said its just how determined you are in the mind. What’s interesting now though is that I actually look foward to sleeping now every night. I once thought sleeping was a waste of time when you can be awake doing other stuff.

Yeah… I always used to feel so useless when I was sleeping, like there was always something I should/could be doing. Now I feel a bit better about sleeping in general.

I haven’t been too successful with LDs, but I try not to get discouraged. It’s something that often takes quite a bit of time, I think. Even if I just have a five second lucid dream it motivates me… It just gives me that overwhelming feeling of being in control and being able to do anything.

I had my first LD intentionally within the first few weeks of practicing LDing. I had had a few lucid dreams before that, but without having much knowledge on the subject.


I became lucid LONG ago, but it seems like I couldn’t control myself. Maybe I wasn’t actually consciously aware, but my dream was about knowing I was in a dream, but that would still be considered lucid, right? 0.o AHHH

As you probably know, there are different levels of lucidity. If you are experiencing low lucidity, you may be aware that you’re dreaming but have little control… If it’s higher, you’d have control and know that you were dreaming. To get on a higher level of lucidity try yelling “Lucidity times 1000!” or something of the sort. That should work… Good luck!

p.s. Yes, that’s still considered a lucid dream as long as you knew you were dreaming. :smile:


That was in the past, I was like…5?
Yeah, like I knew what Lucid meant :razz:

I cant get a lucid dream, Id probably rub my hands together and do that but right now ;\ im annoyed at the fact i still havent, and im losing confidence and getting doubts :tongue:

It’s hard not to lose confidence :bored: It’s tough stuff. Sometimes I get frustrated because I can do something one night and get an LD, and then try it again and be unsuccessful. But it’s not like it’s something that takes a whole lot of time up during the day. Try to think of it as an addition to your life, not your whole entire life… Do something before you go to bed, and then if it doesn’t work, heck, you can try the next night. :peek:


It’s been 4 or 5 months now…Nothing…Ack.
And yes, I’ve tried MILD, no success…Yes, I’ve tried WILD, and all I’ve ever seen is the occassional blob of color. Yes, tried WBTB, no, that didn’t work either.
It’s gotta happen sometime, and if it doesn’t, well, then I can be the benchmark of failure at LDing at this board.
Whoo… :cry:
Goes off, sets alarm 2 hours early, intends to MILD