Dream catchers & incense

Sorry I’m not sure how you spell it, but does burning insents before you go to sleep having any impact on your dreaming? Same thing for dream catchers.

Ah, I have a dream catcher hanging over my bed on my curtain rail. I know it wasn’t a real indian that made it though so it has (in my opinion) no power. I still keep it there though as it was a present and occasionally I will happen to see it before I go to sleep and it is a trigger to get me to remember to ask for only good dreams.

Does it have to be made by a real indian to have power? or can it work if you buy a mass produced reproduction knock-off?

As for the INCENSE (be careful when spelling that word…lol) I like to burn some on the weekends to get me in the right mood for dreaming (weekdays I’m too tired from work to bother). I’m unsure if it has any effect at all. Will have to keep this thread in mind next time I use it and report back to you.


Yeah, I have a dream catcher hanging above me as I’m sleeping. I don’t think it was made by an indian either, but I have no knowledge on these sorts of things. I’m guessing incense just relax you and get you in a good mood to sleep as you said, but I don’t know if they actual trigger LDs.

What do you mean by ‘power’?

Personally, I think any effects experienced in light of hanging a dream catcher are simply the result of our friend, placebo. This certainly isn’t a bad thing, though. It just means that (in my opinion), any object you hang with the intention of influencing your dreams will work the same regardless of who made it. Unless, of course, you’d hold the object in higher regard if it were made by a real Indian - then it might work better for you. :wink:

I was under the assumption that they collected all your dreams and only allowed the good ones to enter your sleeping mind, or some crazy thing like that.
Someone help me out here…I’m sinking fast…please?

Nevermind…I Googled and come up with a cool link: Dream Catchers

Burning incence would have different effects depending on what scent it is. As for burning dream catchers, well…


…that’s just plain evil (or silly, depending on the circumstances).


I remember reading a post about smells in general.Its not so much about particular smell but about the change in general.Say you allways have used an incence so you get used to it after a while and one day you dont burn it.That itself can cause you to be somehow more aware or at least make you think that something is not the way it used to be here.That feeling is somehow important for someone intending to have lds.
i know its not the greatest help but if one is looking to make all surroundings fit to lding that might be another idea.
good luck

Yeah, I was going to say what Atheist said, but he said it better than me, so no need.

Well, if that’s what you believe, then no doubt they’ll work for you. Which can’t be bad.

Yeah that does make sense. Kind of like a lot of food, when you eat it before you go to sleep you might be confident of having a LD, and just because it is on your mind a lot you could have success that night. No problem with that :content:.