Really good Dream Diary

I am not sure who knows about this, or if it has been posted. This is a dream journal that I find to be the very best…its a 6mb donload but 28mb if you don’t have a plug in :bored: Here are the pros and cons


Text to Speech
Comparison Feature
Tons of Different Catagories to put Dreams,Dream Characters, Dream items that you saw…I have not really used it though so im not sure what else it can do.


Cost 30 Dollers
Big download for 56k people :sad:

Theres a evaluation period on it, but if you like it buy it, Or for people who do it the illegal way :grrr:


why dont you just go to…its free…you dont have to download anything either :cool_laugh:

uhm… triple post? :grrr:

double post :grrr:

Or you could always just buy a journal and write it there :grin: That way if somehow the site deletes everything you’ll still have everything written down, and you can write in it as soon as you wake up.
