Sorry for the 2nd post..but i really need help here

what is wbtb? i understand its really effective…i just dont know what it is …and yes i tried looking on the menu bar but i cant find anything on wbtb…pleez help me


Pertty much you go to sleep for about 6 or so hours,Wake up and read or whatever gets your mind going,And go back to sleep.
When your up for the hour reading stuff on lucid dreams will help you become more lucid when you go bact to sleep.

Hey blackeyeliner1 :smile:

WBTB is pretty much exactly what Gameboyadvanced described. WBTB is Very good 4 DR(dream recall)…4 most ppl :smile: If u r doing this, it is suggested that u go to sleep a bit early…11pm. If u r a beginner, as i understand u r, u should stay up 4 15mins, then half an hour thEn u can go to the full hour. Its kinda tough to stay awake 4 the full hour if u r new to this method, but if u feel like u can do it, then go 4 it :slight_smile:

Good luck and i hope this works 4 u :wink:

“Lucid dreams happened ten times more often in the nap periods than in the nights.”

Something for you to think about. Oh, the time you stay awake and the time you wake up is flexible. Some people, including myself, don’t stay awake for more than 30 mins. It’s up to you, but I recommend at least 5-10 mins doing something that wakes your mind up (reading, writing, thinking extensively…) don’t wake your body up, though.

It should be forbidden to make annoying teenage chatroom abbreviations.

I just don’t want to write with better grammar than someone from Canada. What is the world coming to, seriously.

R U getting me m8 !?

Most of the abbreviations you’re seeing or pretty long terms that are used QUITE often on the boards here. I’m sure even you don’t want to write out “Mnemonic Induced Lucid Dream” 7 times in a paragraph over MILD, right?
By the by, I really don’t like the "U"s and "R"s either.

omg if u dont like these abbreviations you must have a life full of annoyances :happy:

u cannot bring down the 1337. I agree with Xetrov.