Problems with levitation

I have some problems with levitation. I do the breathing, and the trance induced body awareness in a correct way, and when i manipulate energy from the earth, and take it into my body, to make it lighter, everything goes well. But when i begin to levitate i have the problem that i for some weird reason have to be outside, and then i always lose the concentration maybe 3 meters above ground, and it ends with me falling down to the surface, and i really land in a bad way everytime, so i always hurt myself.

I don’t know what to do, i mean, i want to continue to levitate, because it’s so wonderful, but on the other hand, i don’t want to get seriously injured.

Please give me some advice how to handle this.

The problem is that you think you can be injured. Fact is, you are in a dream, probably lucid, and you want to fly, but you are afraid to fall down and get hurt. This will make it extremely difficult to fly i think. You just have to convince yourself that it is a dream and you can do anything you want and best of all, if anything EVER goes wrong it doesnt hurt at all!
When i am in a LD i just know that i am in full control, when i want to fly, i merely lift off and go anywhere i want. Just so you know it IS possible :content:
Well good luck in trying!

Have you thought about a different method? Seems to me you are concentrating on it way too much. Just relax and lift off from the ground.

Just out of curiosity, Crevy, what technique do you use?

You are talking about dreams, aren’t you?

In a dream, you can’t get hurt…

Clark Kent, unless he is talking about ki energy manipulating which with heavy training is possible to levitate yourself, but it can harm you if you levitate too high and lose your concentration.

I’m not saying that it’s possible… I’ll remain neutral in this subject until I see a result or try that myself… but I don’t have time to do heavy training just to levitate myself few meters off. No offenses.

But suppose it is dreaming-related, then no, you can’t hurt yourself at all.

I dont know if i get it right but i think Crevy means it in dreams.But why putting so much effort in it?I mean why all those excercises when you can just jump up and stay levitating?
Do i understand it correctly?cuz its confusing

Exactly what I was thinking! THat’s why I was suggesting the possibility of Ki manipulating in order to levitate cuz IRL it requires a lot of concentration and it can be a bit dangerous as well. :shrug: But however like other, it hasn’t been proved to be true.