Troubles On LD

UPDATE: Sorry for not seeing the “Put all Remembering Questions here” on the BIG Remembering Topic

I’ve been trying to LD recently, and started trying to remember my dreams. It has been about a week, and here’s a basic Log:

Can’t Remember

Remember a Dream Greatly

Decently Remember a Dream in A nap, and I kinda remember my night dream

A very vague dream…I did kinda visualize like all of the above ones.

Most vivid Dream of my life!


I just CAN’T remember, even when I wake up I don’t remember ANYTHING :sad: Is there any reason I could be failing to remember? I am following the steps, and am certainly not forcing myself until I cannot remember anything, then of course - I still cannot. I am getting about the same amount of sleep as usual too (not very much)

Note: I haven’t had a LD in which I have realized I am in a dream yet, though I am following all steps in reality checks and telling myself to have a lucid dream and remember it before going to sleep.

:happy: Hello and wellcome to the forum!
I’m not an expert myself but there’s a Big Remembering Dreams topic that should give you some advice. :wiske: It’s in this section.

Hehe, nothing really new Ive seen there so far - except the wake-up coffeez thing :open_mouth: I dont use alarm clocks, but my MOM does wake me up every day for school except on weekends :razz: I guess it helps in remembering my last dream.

Thanks for the welcome!

Welcome to the forum, Mimic-of-Distortion. :bored:

I’ve noticed that my dream recall depends largely on effort. I can sort of “tell” my mind that I want to remember my dreams. Usually when I wake up it’s nothing at all, but then I sit there for 5 mins or so and prod inside my mind… eventually a memory surfaces, and the rest is real easy. That’s 1 dream. Usually I remember another related dream (most of my dreams in one night are related to each other) while writing up my journal, for a recall of two. It’s hard with school. I’d recommend sleeping earlier, though I don’t do that myself :tongue:
Just prod at your mind. A lot. I wonder if any of you know what I’m talking about- it’s the only way I can trigger recall.

Thanks again for welcoming me :smile:

Well, I see what you mean, I tried to think when I was lifeless, eating breakfast brushing my teeth, I couldn’t remember anything and just drifted off. This happens often. I have certainly NO idea when a different dream is happening

Example :
I was at a school, then at a cave and someone said the words “judge judy” (what the…I dont know!) and then I was at an arcade…Dont ask me. I cant tell if thats 1 or 2, or even 3 dreams.

Also, try to recall dreams right after you wake up. If you try to remember them after already starting your morning, it can be surprisingly difficult :bored:


do certain things slow down amount of memory in dreams? I know SOME boost…but eh

Edit: Let me reword this:
Do certain ACTIONS lower rate? Not stuff like “sleeping less”, but real actions.

[color=violet]8) you are more likely to remember events…or anything for that matter…when the situation you are in most closely resembles that in which the event happened. for example, you are more likely to remember the facts for a math test if you do the test in the same room you learnt the info in. you are more likely to remember the events of a hot summer evening during a similar evening than on a cold, winter morning…and the same is true with dreams. you are more likely to remember a dream in bed than beside it…and you are more likely to remember what you have been dreaming if you dont shift your body position after you awake. simply stay still with your eyes closed and let the memories come flooding back. once you have the dream clear then you can jump up and write it down quickly before it escapes :wink:.

also, even if you only remember TINY bits of a dream - a word or a shape perhaps, or even simply a strong emotion - be sure to jot them down. the more you do this, the more vivid and extensive dreams you will be able to remember with time. dont wait until you can remember a really in-depth dream to record something.[/color]

0.o not really, I dont FORGET them once I remember. I woke up last night remembering a dream VERY VIVIDLY (but it seemed around 2 seconds long…only one thing.) and I fell asleep again, adn remembered it in the morning. If I can remember it, I CAN’T forget it. I remember my dreams from years ago still…like when I was 4 even

If you are having trouble remembering your dreams just sit or lie down for a while in one place. At first you want to set your intention to remember your dreams from the night. After you set it in a little just let your mind wander until you get flashes from the dreams which will usually happen if you dont force it too much. Once you get a flash write down memory flash in as much detail as you can. After a while you should start remembering more parts of the dreams. This has always worked for me. I can remember 3 dreams sometimes from just 1 and a half - 2 hours of sleep with this method.