conkers; how do you harden yours?

yay its conker season
i know all the usual ones like:
last year
but any other ones you got?
i heard soak them in meths overnight
or drill a hole in them then keep them with you for a month, by keeping them with you i mean: put them in your pocket and keep in there all day when you go to bed keep them in your bed or pillowcase (careful you might choke on them while asleep ) why you ask? because they will soak up all your body oils and stuff and will make them almost iron strength (thats what i heard anyway) which is much better than normal methods.
so any ways to harden them?

Ok, the title disturbed me very, very much, so someone tell me
what the hell a conker is before I start suspecting things.

I really hope you don’t put vinegar on what I think a conker is.

“…what the hell a conker is before I start suspecting things.”
Lol Infection,yeah i have no idea either and i started suspecting things.If that is what i think you shouldnt do all those things:)

Hahah same here. I asked my mom what it was ans she just looked at me weird. I re-read it with infections interperataion and cracked up though. “careful you might choke on them while asleep” (!!)

ppffffttt… i missed that part…

Er, I think conkers are those chestnut-things that you bash with oneanother. I read about them. Except they were called “CHESTNUTS”
Not “CONKERS”. And I’m too old for that sort of thing. Bashing chestnuts with my friend ( :neutral: ) is something I wouldn’t want to do.

hmmm… conkers eh? This could be quite an interesting topic, I have no idea what they are :help: although we could all assume…

Hmmm found a recipe lol of conkers…was about chestnuts as main ingredient!


Yes, they are actually Chestnuts. Maybe calling them conkers is a british thing only? (I’m British). Anyway, What I llike to do is this:

-Cut conker in half with knife

-Remove insides

-Get some lead and melt it

-Put your molten lead inside the two halves and leave them seperately to cool

-When the lead is solid again, add a little more molten lead to help hold it together, and press the two halves together

And there you have it, the definitive way to make your conker hard as rock. Or in this case, lead.

what a cheater. my book says that’s not quite allowed. technically your conker is already dead because you cut it. why not dip it in amber instead? :grin:

Lead, although heavy, is actually a “soft” metal. Doing your procedure with stainless steel might be better. :neutral:

OK I know what a conker is now, but why would one want to harden them… I’m kind of confused…

When it’s hardened it’s less likely to crack, when the conkers are aimed at each other. The conker that survives the game wins. :wiske:

Ah, that explains it. I was wondering myself what you could possibly do with lead-filled chestnuts… :wink:


same :happy: never heard of conkers, you learn something new every day :grin:

Well, if you just freeze it, I would think you’d make it more brittle. Best soften it up to make it more flexible or something. Put lots of moisturizer on it? :confused:

The name alone makes me feel so conk lol!
Conkers hehe sounds so funny…did you had your conkers today hehe

I feel so conked :grin:


Yes… now lead filled chestnuts seem so much more logical!


This topic is great!!! I suppose conkers is a funny word when you think about it.

My kiddies have been madly collecting them over the last few days. We have a box filled with over 100 now. What can I do with them all??? Grow a chestnut forest?