Video games in my dreams

OK, when I first started getting involved with my dreams, the first thing I noticed was that I had a large amount of video game dreams due to the amount I play during the day. I shrugged it off at first and kinda accepted it as cool, but when it comes to lucidity there are multiple factors which limit youself from noticing your dreaming or controlling the dream.

First off, I am usually stuck in the perspective of the game in my dream. If it is a first person shooter for instance, then I see that big gun in the bottom right of my vision :neutral: . If it is third person then I am observing from a distance making the dream a third person dream itself.

Also, I usually have less senses in game dreams. Since you normally don’t “feel” whats happening in the game(with exception of rumble controllers :wink: ) then I usually don’t feel things in the dream nor do I taste or smell either.

Another problem I have is that sometimes I can’t feel what is happening in the dream, but I can sometimes feel myself pushing the buttons on the keyboard or controller as things happen in the dream. The only problem is that the game takes up my whole field of vision and there is no monitor or screen to look away from.

That also makes me bring up the fact of reality checks. I realize I dream about games like every other night or more so this is definitly my dream sign I should look out for. However, how are you supposed to do a reality check while you are playing a video game? You usually would have to focus your attention outside of the game to look at your fingers or practice awareness which almost defeats the purpose of the reality check since you are no longer focusing on the game. So should I practice reality checks within the game itself? :confused: Should I try to practice the ten steps of awareness in my dream, or outside of it. This is probably my biggest problem under this subject that I am trying to solve. :help:

Now for a bigger question…Do you classify a video game in your mind as reality or a dream? It doesn’t really fall under either. From what I noticed though was that considering the game a dream itself actually increased its frequency in my dreams. The odd thing I can’t understand though is that you have control over things that happen in a video game. In my dreams I also have that control, but I don’t have any control over controlling the dream if that makes any sense :huh:

If anyone has any experience with this stuff, help would be greatly appreciated.

for your body, games are real as you play them. so is imagination (try making up a verbal fight with someone and notice mood and physical changes)

I take videogame and movie dreams as a call from the dreamworld to stop wasting your life with those activities! I still have problems with television and computer game dreams even though I gave both up almost a year ago.

Well I have been cutting back on games and I rarely watch TV, but sometimes just playing once during the day can still cause it to turn up in my dreams. :bored:

Pilot, WASTING your life? Like we would have anything else to do that takes up a whole day ;\

You can’t sleep all day. What better way is there to kill time between naps then to play video games? Simply put you dream about what you do during the day. I dream about university, am I wasting my life getting a degree in electrical engineering?

Probably the best way to do RCs while playing video games is just RCing at constant time intervals. Good luck.

pardon me, let me correct myself

I take videogame and movie dreams as a call from the dreamworld to stop wasting my life with those activities!

I cut back on my gaming so I wouldn’t have as many dreams about them. I don’t like having dreams about them because games are always better in my dreams. One time I dreamed that Diablo II LoD patch v1.10 was actually released. In another dream I was playing an Action/RPG/fighter/adventure game all rolled into one. The problem is that when I wake up and actually play games, they all pale in comparison to my dream games. So now I’m reading books instead, 'cause it’s MUCH cooler to have dreams about books. I remember when I was a kid I was obsessed with dragons, and I was always reading fantasy novels. Now that was a good time for dreams…

A lot of my dreams where I have video games im the player…like - 9/10 game features are where IM IN the game as a character. One time I was a rat - attacking a castle (Id been reading the book Redwall) and it was a video game with Soul Calibur 2 features kind of (not the style)

I THEN started playing Soul Calibur 2 (1 of the 2 so far where I was PLAYING, not being in one) and I noticed seeing not a fighting game, but an old NES Samus from the game Metroid, using a Grappling beam (Twisted series up?)

The other time since Ive started on LDing/Dream Recall was where I was in an arcade, and played a Robotron game - except you go from left to right =D

All of the others I can think of right now are where Im the person inside the games

Its good to be in video games - really…You KNOW what to expect of your dreams, and most certainly - they are often exciting for me.

Dreaming about Redwall…that is teh best :content:

Wow, I get these ALL the time =P I think the main thing is to be fascinated, completely, with something else before you go to bed, that helps me :razz:

I have had two video game dreams where i go lucid. For one of the dreams, i was a characer, third person i believe. i noticed something funky happened on the corner, i was like woah! so i got a little bit more conscious and decided to “shift my eyes off the screen” too look at my hands, sure enough it happened. then i was lucid, weeee.

Another i had, was i was playing a game with my brother, a first person two player RPG. I was one of the characters of coarse, but in the game , i somehow realised i was dreaming, me and my brother got in a sticky situation in the game. He turned to me out of the game world, and i was like dont worry! I’m dreaming! So then i went back into the game, and i was a character again. but i could fly :angel_fly: . I didnt seem to realise i was Lucid OUT of the game, only IN the game. heh.
So what would you call these? DVGILD? (Dream Video Game Induced Lucid Dream)? lol

But the hardest kind of dream games to get lucid or get out of, is games like Starcraft or warcraft. Their a doozie to get out of :bored:

i think ive been playing games too much for the last 17yrs or so (im 20) coz many of my dreams are game related… :neutral:

i mean, look at my avatar!
<---------------------------- Is from the SEGA MASTER-PIECE Shenmue!!!

the other day i think i had a semi-LD. i was somewhere with a Quake3 shotgun and for some reason both terminators from T2 were in it (ive watched that movie so many times its not funny :content: )

anyway, in my dream i KNEW i had to reload my shotty. there is no question that i knew this, i even said to myself “i better load this thing if i wanna stand a chance!” which is weird coz i dont normally talk to myself like that in a dream and then after heading off to a cabinet full of ammo i was ‘watching’ my dream so to speak. i was no longer a part of it like i was just before, the rest was a cinematic in my mind :grrr: