Will a dream journal help me much?

I seem to naturally have conscious dreams, and relatively frequently. When I attempt to induce one, all I do is tell myself “I will become conscious while I am dreaming,” and 9/10 times it works. I can also recall many dreams every night quite easily. Will a dream journal really help me? Anyone else in the same position that has tried it?

Well, I started off keeping a dream journal, but I stopped due to time constraints. And I don’t think it affected my dreaming too badly. A dream journal helps when you’re starting off most of all, but if you already have good dream recall then it’s probably unnecessary. But I still put aside a couple of minutes as soon as I wake up for thinking about/remembering dreams. They only leave short term memories, so if you don’t think about them when you wake up you lose them forever (usually).

Thanks for the reply. I do the same, actually - just go over my dreams in my head for a few minutes. I too started a journal, but I got tired of writing a page and a half every morning when I woke up.

I don’t know if it would help your LDing, or make you have more LD’s, but i like keeping a DJ because then I can look back on my LD’s and see dream signs, what made me lucid exc. It’s good to have written record of what you do too if you’re good at LDing and have a lot, because you probibly don’t remember them all. I guess it’s just whatever you prefer, and what your goals are. It differs from every person

You definitely need a dream journal in at least the first few months. In the future, you can cut back on your DJ to filter out the tiny fragments that are worthless. But in the beginning, you need to write down many details. After a few months, a dream journal is helpful, but not really life-or-death.
That’s my view.

Dreamfortehwinz a dream journal is for ppl that want to improve at remembering their dreams…also of course for the joy of having a dream diary and for more lds…
But when i read your post i would say you got talent enough!
Great! So go make a list of what to do in your next ld!
Explore, invent, be creative with so much talent! :smile:


I think its good to keep one also just for the fact of having a written log of your dreams. Like charlotte said, you can see how your dreaming pattern change over time and always go back and see what you have dreamed in the past. It would probably make a cool thing to look back on several years in the future.

dreams help tell about ourselves and they are fun to read later on. Not to mention they are ripe for writing material. St. koolade’s day(on of my dreams) is a kick ass story I’ll probaly anime one day. Plus the names my dream came up with kicks ass anyway. St. Koolade’s day is funny as hell to say.

Try it!

If you have bad dreamrecall, then journal will for sure help.

Writing doesn’t have to be the only method of recording dreams. I’ve just started to draw pictures and use small icons for my emotions and symbols. Another way you can quickly record your dreams is to record yourself talking about them. You can in fact keep a tape recorder or a similar voice-recording device right next to your bed and you can speak into it anytime without having to turn on a light or get up.

In fact, I’m about to start working on a dream-journal/dream-session program and one of its features will be a voice recorder of a person while he/she is dreaming and when a person is verbally recording his/her dreams.

Let me know if anyone’s interested or if my advice helped anyone. Thanks! :content: