The Ultimate LD experienced.

I thought I’d share this with you since I believe there would be many interested.
Last night I had the most extreme LD yet. It must have been several hours real dream made time and certainely longer in ‘fake time’ with tich I mean a simulated year or more.

I slept for over 14 hours and I bet a lote of them were spent dreaming.

I started out a little dazed. I played some futuristic ball games using many LD techs. I kicked some ass and the world was basically dipped in chaos as it usually is with my LDs but something was different. The LD wouldn’t end.

Usually I play som sort of fun scenario like the wild west or x-men when I have this kind of LD but this one was even longer.

I forged a world. Lands filled with hills and rivers. I built myself an amazing palace with all kind of trinkets. (I had 100% control and no negative thoughts were strong enough to hinder my new tehc namely the time rewind tech).

There was a city around my palace that I filled with dreamers. I invited many of my friends to just hang out in the palace. Jack will be happy to know that there was an absurd amount of sex.

Now I’ve occupied castles and mystical world of my own creation before but this was all conscious forging and a creators pride filled me.

It was amazingly fun all events were on a conscious level. nothing happened unless I wanted it to. There was a girl trespassing cuz I forgot to lock the humonguss gates so I summoned chains from the walls to lock her upp… It was amazing, it feels good to breach the limit of your previous LDs…

There is so much but please ask away I’ll be happy to answer

Sounds amazing…
I´d be interested which kind of LDs you had before.Have you had something similar before? I´m a “natural” ,but i don´t LD often and they are quite short (5min?).
Have you done anything before,did you have the intention to have such an LD? Or did you use any substances?
I think that there is no technique to achieve something like this,but still i´d like to know under what circumstances you experienced this.

How about a longer post in the DreamDiary section what you did with your city? Remembers me of a book that i read… :smile:


I’m a natural too but my issue lies with memory rather than length.

I have had this kind of dream but then the world just existed already, spawned by my subconscious and each ‘room’ I guess was created as I entered that area. With the incredible amount of time I had I created everything manually which made it kind of weird I guess… I’m no architect like my sub :wink:.

I’ve had similar dreams like I said but this is still Unique. I was omnipotent, I defeated my subconscious in a way I’ve never done before… At some points it got so close to daydreaming I was afraid I was gonna wake. I could look into the distance, move my hand and the earth would rise seamlessly before my eyes.

I did so many things I hardly believe it myself. I know how it is to be god… I have discovered an amazing factg about LDs that I am sure has been obvious to everyone.

You are not only in control of the present time in your dream but also the past and future… This is what I discovered last night. If I made a misstake I simply changed the past and no one would know because I did definately change it. if this sounds weird I’m sorry, it’s hard to explain.

When I was playing a futuristic ball game for example I had a negative though and the enemy scored… I just pictured that they didn’t (that I caught the ball) and it happened… After using this tech for a while all negative thoughts ceased to come since my state of mind was so clear on the fact that they no longer were a problem.

I think that when you finally understand that time, at least in sleep, does not matter. I think it is then you finally become god in your own universe.

The past/future correction thing sounds pretty cool to me :cool: And Ureon thanks for motivating me to LDing :content: (I’m not a natural you see)

It is so much worth it. It’s a given part of my life, I mean what would I do in its place? Sleep?

LoL, why sleep when you can fly across the surface of mars or be a Roman emperor…

Absolutley amazing Ureon :wink: Did at any point the dream detail start to fade? ALso, how did you get Lucid? Through DILD?

Congrats :smile:

I got lucid through a memory association…
I was punching a target and noticed my punches were soggy and thought like I trained myself too ‘hmmm my punches act just as if I was dreaming… I must be dreaming.’…

From there on was the classical LD that later turned into the more advanced one.

Whenever Things got hazy I just rewinded to before when clarity was top.

Btw- Last night I used the tech again in a more simple setting. It’s great.

:happy: Very nice Ureon!

…14 hours of sleep wow…(even when i go to a house party and then to a after party till 12 noon…i do not succeed in more then 8 or 9 hours of sleep lol)

Fantastic Ureon, must be a great experience…must be addicting to lol!!


“Jack will be happy to know that there was an absurd amount of sex”

doh,just hearing a phrase “absurd amount of sex” gives me shivers.Id prolly get insane seeing it:)

And i agree with others…thats damn amzing!Ureon,besides that you also motivate me to have lds you frustrating me alot!!!I want it too,whatever the cost!!
But i realize how different we are-you have it natural way,so i guess whatever tech id use i wouldnt even get close to your results.
What you think about shared dreaming by the way?
im asking cuz i wanna be invited to your castle…gods, want is not good word…i actually dunno one strong enough:)

Was this a DILD, WILD, NILD, or MILD?

there was an absurd amount of sex.

COOL :content:

was a girl trespassing cuz I forgot to lock the humonguss gates so I summoned chains from the walls to lock her upp

then what did you do when she was locked up and at your mercy? :grin:

something sexual? LOL :cheesy:[/i]