
ive never noticed marijuana affect my dreaming abilities.

The only effect ganja smoking has on my dreams is that I get to sleep quite a bit easier and dream more vividly. I can still remember them, but I have yet to have a lucid dream while smoking. Also, I would need to smoke up right before bed. I’m not sure of the long term effects of constant use, cause I just do it every week and a half or so when the mood fits, or I’m out on the town with my friends.

the affects of chronic masturbation can be much more serious than the effects of chronic (pardon the pun) smoking. they both share, depression and decreased sex drive. chronic masturbatiing can lead to prostate problems, back and joint pain/weakness, thinning hair and other stuff.

When it comes to being a pothead or serious dreamer you usually have to choose one or the other or at least alternate between the two. getting high is great but long term use can take a toll on your physical and mental as well as your appearance. when it comes to quiting being high all the time the best thing to do is find reasons to quit (dreams, health, your mind, etc.) that are more important to you than getting high. and also realizing that the effects of pot aren’t as great as it seems to you when you’re high and that you can live without it.

another thing- i think its interesting how many pothead/dreamers are in denial about the effects weed has on dreaming. I wish it weren’t true but it does decrease the quality of your dreams when used regularly (daily). stop smoking for two weeks and i bet your dreams intensity will skyrocket, i know this firsthand.

Good point. Damn. Well um… uh… well thanks for ruining my only reason for him to quit smoking! Now you’re just egging him on to masturbate AND smoke!

…back and joint pain? I don’t believe it… thinning hair? Don’t believe that either. Depression? Well… I would think depression is caused by something else, because I tested… I was the same depressed every day even though I cut back… and then relapsed. The pressures of school and life are the only reasons I am depressed all the time. The prostate stuff… I once read somewhere that ejaculating once in a while could prevent enlargement of the prostate… I think it was my mom’s Prevention magazine. Anyways, you can send me health risks, but I don’t think they’ll sway my penis.

Can you explain the pun? Can’t get… it…

Exercise is a good way of not being depressed!

How do you mean pressures of life? Don’t go putting expectations of your self now.


F U C K the media! Its bullshit

:rofl: Im speechless :rofl:

I am also trying to cut down on the weed. When I smoke it at night, I remember less dreams and LD’s become too short and “foggy”. But sometimes, once in a while, I’ll get super stoned at night and have some of the wildest, clear LD’s,So I don’t think it matters too much.
Just gotta remember my favorite saying;

Moderation in all things…Including Moderation!

So don’t stress over addiction, just follow your intuition. :wiske:

Drink coffee, it may help :content:

i’ll tell ya i cut back on smoking because i got heavy into dreaming. my recall SUCKED a little while ago and i stopped smoking and started concentrating. now i can remember at least one long vivid dream per night which was my goal, and something i COULD NOT do while smoking. i’ve also just become more alert in my everyday life (due to more sleep and more braincells and better lungs and more money and no paranoia and all that good stuff that comes a long with pot :wink: ) but yea i liked the reefer a while ago and i’ll admit i like to chill with my friends every now and then and toke up… (about once every 3 months)… but it’s just been a hell of a lot more positive in all aspects of my teenage life to quit smoking…

just a quiet interjection, but stick with what you think is best for you is the final word on that one.

stay happy


I dunno why but I think that maybe the reason pot affects your dreams is because you think it will. Try thinking and actually believing that pot will help your dreams and maybe it will. Worked for me! :eek:

Actually, Granite Staters for Medical Marijuana gave Howard Dean a C rating (on a scale from A+ to F). The only candidate to receive an A+ was Dennis Kucinich (who is also by far the best candidate on almost every other issue, in my opinion). Vote Kucinich!

(That’s all I have to contribute, since I’m 14, and I never have tried marijuana, and I don’t plan to…)

Thanks for pointing that out to me. I didn’t know he was rated that low. Also, I wish now that I had been paying attention to politics when I was your age. I’m 20 and am just now starting to realize I’ve missed out on a lot of things. And I’ll definately be switching my choice to Kucinich!

Hey, that is actually a great idea. I used to try that a few months ago but i guess i completely forgot about it. I guess marijuana does have physical effects on your ability for dream recall, but haven’t we all already learned how powerful the mind is? With mind over matter, anything can be accomplished.
Thanks for bringin that one up, Nightmare

So am I the only one who hasn’t smoked at all?

it kinda seems that way but i don’t do it anymore and in my opinion and experience i suggest that you don’t start… too many negatives for a couple hours of high.


I haven’t smoked. Know a friend and a relative who smokes.
The friend? Death spiral. Great personality, comes to school drunk with vodka and porn never gets caught. But he’s uh, failing everything. So the “bad stuff” doesn’t seem to have a bad effect at all on him. He just chooses to not work at school. He’s not bad off at all, well, except for his future, but I doubt the weed affected it.

My relative? The master of his life. Has everything he wants, including a lucid dream every dream, perfect recall, all the girls, superb physical stats, very good in martial arts… he says he uses the weed to enhance his martial arts. Has a sense of complete control over his subconscious when he smokes.

So the people I know who smoke aren’t that bad off. But I’m not going to try for myself. I’ve got too much to lose.

hmm i can understand if someone doesnt want to smoke marijuana…
but just dont badmouth it and say you have too much to lose, because the only thing that would lose it for you is you not the weed

Yeah, stop bad mouthin the weed. It’s already gotten such a bad rep thanks to the Nixon years, and it’s not getting any better with lame ass Bush. I feel sorry for all the innocent people who are prosecuted for marijuana possession. Most all of them are nonviolent offenders, and smoking pot itself is a victimless crime. Placing nonviolent offenders in prison with murderers and rapists should be a crime. And I especially feel sorry for the paraplegic who was handcuffed to her/his hospital bed while govt. agents tore up his/her marijuana plants. How sickening is that?

I’ve had bad recall and very vivid recall many times will high. It all depends on the situation.

it enrages me how the government doesnt respect our wants and sh*ts on us who enjoy smoking the herb. they like getting rich off all the fines and charges they press on youngsters that like to enjoy themselves every once and a while. would you call that oppression?