Newbie Questions about Dream Recall

After joining this forum, reading pasQual’s LD guide, and starting a dream journal (about ten days ago) i remembered dreams like five days in a row, but the last few days I wake up in the morning thinking “Crap! I can’t remember anything after going to sleep :sad:
I’ve been setting my computer to wake me up at 6am, to wake up during REM. Should i not do that? Am i doing something wrong or should i just keep trying? I should perfect my dream recall before i start trying to LD right?

You should probably perfect your dream recall before moving on to LD’s. i think waking up at 6am is a good, as long as you get at least 6 hours of sleep. then you can do WBTB, and hopefully go lucid. Just keep trying :wink:

i would say 2 dreams or more a night- go for it.
Do you keep a dream journal? Mumble mumble…
I usually don’t recall anything until something triggers it. Usually to recall dreams I lie in bed right after waking up and kind of nudge them out to consciousness. Takes a while and if you try to hard it’s counterproductive.
Just scan around your mind for lost memories of dreams. I can’t explain what I do much further.