Then what? How long am I supposed to sleep after going back to bed?
Will I remember less of my dreams if I sleep to long?

There IS a big WBTB thread, but that’s ok… if you want more information than I’m about to give you, go there.

You go to sleep for 8-10 hours total. It’s all your choice, very flexible. But keep in mind, the longer you sleep before performing WBTB, the more likely it is you will have dreams when you go back to sleep. Generally sleeping longer is better, unless you sleep so long that you cannot go back to sleep. It is best to wake during REM. You stay awake any amount of time between 5 mins and 2 hours… I leave a big, big margin for you to choose from because there’s lots of variations. Generally people stay awake 15 mins to an hour, it is best that you are awake and able to think properly before going back to bed, but not too awake so you can’t get back to sleep. Honestly I do one minute of WBTB before going back to sleep. It’s the only way I can get back to sleep after WBTB. (But it works like a $100 computer). Anyways you probably should perform MILD before going back to sleep and/or WILD. The point is to make you more awake and aware so you are more likely to LD. It is very effective when combined with MILD. You probably will remember dreams less if you sleep too long, but I recommend that you sleep at least an hour before waking up again. I usually sleep two hours before waking back up. Oh, make sure you sleep at least 30 mins or you’re kinda wasting the WBTB session.

Ok, Thanks :content:
Last time I tried to WBTB i slept for 5 hours, stayed awake about 30 minutes, and then slept another 5-6 hours… No wonder I couldn’t remember anything :happy: