The BIG FA topic

oh yeah, I guess that makes sense now. But the only type of FA I experience are the ones when I reach for my dream journal, so I guess it could be a solution to me, but not for everyone else…

Yeah, sticking to RCs whenever you wake up sounds like a universal solution. But hey, if you constantly have a FA and you reach for your dream journal, the “page” may just be the best method out there!

I don’t think I’ve ever had a false awakening. Or at least I don’t ever remember having one. Is that wierd? It sounds like a pretty common phenominon to have them.

A false awakening is just a dream that begins with you waking up as you do any other morning. The dream usually then continues with you getting ready for work (or school), and perhaps embarking on some adventure to get there. Most of my FAs involve me waking up late for work, and strugling with trivial tasks like putting on a tie, locking the door, getting in my car, and so on.

You’ve never had a dream where you wake up in your bed, before finally waking up for real?

I had a FA lastnight after a Ld, but luckily i woke up not too long after the FA so i still remembered my LD. I had the FA after i jumped in water, and i turned around and saw a giant Shark behind me :woah: . Then the Shark bit me(which hurt like a mother fucker) and i woke up, this is when the FA happened. I woke up in a movie theater with friends, so i thought i just fell asleep at the movies :smile:, and then went along with the dream. I HATE FA’s!!!


I had a FA yesterday where I was outside in a rain storm, It was cold as hell and the wind was blowing really hard, I started slipping back and fourth from my FA to my dream that I was having before my FA and then back to myself in bed, I tried to use this as a DS and LD but it didnt work because it was so damn cold in my room and I woke up…!!! just pissed me off alot

I think I’ve sometimes had multiple FA’s :confused: I end up wondering whether the first dream actually was lucid. It get’s very confusing.

I don’t understand why everyone hate FA’s so much. Would you rather wake up in RL? I think of an FA as a “safety net” when LDing; If you get overexcited and wake up, you just might stay in the dream, in an FA, instead of waking up in RL. Every FA you have is a chance to prolong your LD.

Having one or many FA’s after an LD does not change the fact that you knew you were dreaming at the moment. You WERE lucid, but you lost lucidity due to “waking up”.

I don’t understnad why everyone hates FA’s either. I think they are pretty cool. I notice that I get them a lot, when before I go to bed, I am nervous about oversleeping, so then I wake up in my dream thinking I’m on time, then I wake up again thinking I’m late, then again, in a panic, and eventually I wake up for real, and realize that I still have a half hour or so to get some more sleep!

The one thing I do notice though is that for some reason, my mind feels like I didn’t get a good night’s sleep, because I was “waking up” all night, when really I wasn’t.

I’ve never thought to do a RC when I wake up. It’s a great idea!


Sorry about this late post. I just wanted to comment on something I read a while back.

This is my very same experience. Doing a reality check whenever you think you wake up is a very good idea. I have had my very most real and vivid lucid dreams in this way.

I told this story in another thread, but it really belongs here…

The other morning I woke up and started writing in my dream journal. I found it very easy to recall the last few events of my dreams cos they were really interesting and amusing and still fresh in my mind.

Then, moments later, I woke up again and realised I had dreamed writing in my dream journal. Then I got up and pretty much wrote the same things word for word that I had written in my dream. But this time I included the details of the FA.

The funny thing is, in my dream of writing in my DJ, not only did I write accurately the details of my dreams, but I even got the date right! And I’m bad at remembering dates at the best of times.
That’s what made the FA so frustratingly real.

This is my most annoying FA. It was annoying for 2 reasons number one was the content and number 2 was because a very experienced Lucid dreamer like me should have hit upon the dreamsigns.

I am having a dream about something. Suddenly I wake up. I think it is real but is actually an FA. I proceed going on with my usual routine of getting ready for school and utterly miss the strange numbers on my clock. I proceed to go through the entire school day missing dreamsigns such as funkitated lights, inability to read text and even several cars going by with the word “This is a dream” on them. This actually happened another two times until I actually woke up.

I hardly ever have any FA’s but I remember a few…All of mine are annoying because I’ve never had a lucid dream yet. I can’t remember any of the RC’s or when I should do them.

I forgot to check back to this topic. Reading my post again it doesn’t look very clear

I must have had a very low level of lucidity. It was like a dream of myself having a lucid dream

My FA the other night turned out ok. I could tell it was about to happen and was suprised to find myself back in the dream again very quickly :smile:

For some reason I can tell FAs and real awakenings apart quite easily. When I have an FA, everything feels different. It’s like everything is more silent than usual, I don’t really know exactly how to explain it…

Sometimes I also like FAs.
Especially when you get lucid again, the feeling when you realize your FA is so cool.
In my last LD, I woke up on bed in some room I don´t know. Made a RC out of habit, noticed I was dreaming, and woke up in the very same room. Already suspected something, made another RC and got lucid again, woke up in my living room.
This time I was like “Nice try!” and jumped through the wall without even checking :happy:


What’s it feel like going through walls?
Good thing it wasn’t real lol

When I jump through a window I usually don´t feel anything at all.
With walls it´s different. Usually I can´t really jump through them, I slowly make my way through a wall. It feels like walking through a very thick kind of liquid, honey or something. One time it even hurt to get my head through it .
So I usually prefer windows :wink:


I wonder what the record is for consecutive false awakenings in one dream? I think it would be pretty interesting to have some kind of a competition… see how many FA’s someone can get in a single dream. With that said, I think I would have a pretty nice start… I had four right in a row this morning… with about 20 or more minutes of lucidity between each FA. FA’s are definitely fun when you know you’re having them, and are kind of funny in a way to look back on if you didn’t manage to get lucid from them. If anyone has had many FA in a row, feel free to challenge me. Haha! Happy dreaming

I don’t think I’ve had loads of FA’s in the same night but on ‘lucid nights’ I’ve had a few in a row. I’ve only just started having lucid dreams but about half the times I’ve become lucid it has been sparked off by a false awakening. The first time this happened (not my first LD) it totally confused the hell out of me because I woke up, got out of bed and I was in my flat but at the far end there was a sofa I don’t have and a window which isn’t there normally. I immediately knew that wasn’t right but, as I could remember waking up and getting out of bed, it took me a while to figure out what was going on! Then I had further LDs starting by waking up in the same setting but I grasped what was happening right away. When I finally woke up for real I was looking around the room suspiciously for anything that wasn’t right as I wasn’t sure if it was another dream or not!

Do other people tend to have several lucid dreams on the one night? I’m a newbie to lucid dreaming (as well as to this forum) but, from my very limited experience, I’ve found that some nights I’ve become lucid in a few different dreams and other (most) nights I’m completely oblivious in all of them! I’m starting to think of LD’s as being like buses “You wait ages for one and then three come along at once!”

HAH! I’m new to the forums… been reading a few days now, and I was into this a while back and decided to give it a bit more dedication now… I think it appropriate to add an experience of mine to the list :wink:

I remember one night, I was lucid (I’ve only had a few!) and I woke up, (or so I thought) and looked at the clock… everything seemed normal at the time… my digital alarm clock read somewhere around 5:00am… I remember looking at my CD player, and where it normally would have said “End” because the CD finished, the LCD display said “Milk” ROFL! I thought nothing of it and proceeded to go downstairs to have a smoke… I shortly returned to bed for a bit more sleep…

Then, I woke up for real, I don’t know how much time had passed… but in this REAL awakening it was around 3:00am… I went downstairs and had a smoke, and it was ONLY THEN of all times that the thought suddenly attacked my mind: “‘Milk’?! WTF is MILK!!!” lol… and then I remembered about the first time I woke up it being later than it was RIGHT NOW… It was only then, hours later that I realised it was a FA. It was a very humorous experience for me…

I must say, the FA was as real as any world I’ve ever experienced! I might try some of the suggestions to “Fake” an FA next time I get lucid (hopefully soon)

Keep dreaming!