Has anyone look to the sky?

hahahaha! Thats funny.

You have ‘Rock’ yes yes?
I like the icon. ^.^

I have… and you won’t believe how much I saw. :biggrin: It’s beautiful! I’d like to share one unusual experience with the sky that I never dreamt of it again so far… yet it was so vibrant and vivid. It still feels like I dreamt about it last night.

The sky is full with electric glowing blue clouds. They are raging, but yet peaceful at the same time. The lightenings dance around through the clouds and the earth. I’m flying and I’m surprised that I don’t get hit by one of them yet. I watch it in amazement. So animated and alive.

It was soooo beautiful. I can’t stress it enough! It’s amazing, awesome, groovy, cool, and much more! :smile:

:grin: Beautiful description, everyone! I want to look at the sky but always forget. Hopefully I will remember next time! Ads ‘look at sky’ on LD things to do list

It’s interesting that in an LD the sky appears so unreal to most of us, when it’s the same (more or less) each day in RL? I mean, everything else you see (houses, cars, people, etc) are all very much standard and realistic. What is it about the sky that refuses to appear normal in a dream?

Anyway, I’m no exception to the populous (for a change). My daytime skies are filled with bizarre cloud layers and unusual colors, and at night I often see huge moving stars, planets and satellites. None of this has ever happened in RL, so why don’t I just see a plain sky?

Maybe its just the fact that you’ve heard other ppl talk about amazing sky sights, so when you decided to have a look, you found just what you were told you would. If, however, you found this out before anyone told you, then maybe its just the fact that the sky is a little more fluid then other things IRL. It is always basically the same, but it does change alot: day, night, sunny, couldy, moon, ect. Maybe your brain sees it more as an open canvas.

Or that it could be possible that sky is used to show your mood symoblically. Like sometimes if I become really angry in my dream, my sky usually get darker, stormy, or gloomy… or become vividly red. Also it could show how curious you are. Everytime I become more curious, I look up in the sky and it seems that I get an answer immediately. I even saw the whole univerise in my sky. It was so cool. :wink:

Just my 2 cents. :biggrin:

I think its because you don’t want to see a boring, same sky. It could also represent your mood, which then makes it sound like you’re actually standing in your mind :blush:

thats not fair. one time in a dream, I looked out my window and there some wierd tower off int he distance that I was looking at, some kids were building or something. But the sky was just a normal sunny blue without any clouds. Maybe it was that way because I wasn’t concentrating on it? But I still remember that image, that tower on a plain blue sky background.

did you ever try to change anything in the sky? that’s also a very cool thing to do :smile:

I often dream of beautiful star clusters, UFO’s and stuff at night and the daytime sky usually has beautiful clouds, storms and aeroplanes falling out of it. Same as real life for me. :wink: :tongue:

unfortunately, I couldn’t change anything because It was a ND. But was so beautiful.

Yes I have. In fact, sometimes I’m the master of sky! :content: I have induced stormy clouds, torandos, suns, swirling unverise, etc. It was AWESOME! :biggrin: Speaking of that, I should add that on my “Thing To Do in LD” list! I haven’t done that for a while! :smile: Thanks for the idea!

I’ve only looked up at the sky on two occassions. On the first, the sky was a beautiful pink and purple sunset. In the other, there was a rainstorm and the clouds were green.

Heh, I had my first lucid dream ever last night. I became lucid when I looked at the sky, and noticed the clouds were moving really fast. Then I remembered to reality check, and I was lucid. :content:

nicely done. ^.^

So I had a LD this morning, and after a bit of fooling around, I remembered my priority: to look at the sky. I expected to see some beatiful colors and patterns, so I walked to a window and looked outside. Boy did I get dissapointed.

The sky looked exatly like in RL. A normal blue sky, with some boring clouds. :sad: Is this normal? I mean, I even expected it to be beautiful, and not a normal boring sky.

However, there was also a lake outside, and the sight of the lake really made up for the sky. The water had a beautiful dark purple color and was really fantastic to look at. I have seen a lake like this in a ND too.

So, is it normal to have a “boring sky” in a LD, and have anyone else experienced unusual water in their dreams? Or am I just very odd?

I’m sure thats perfectly normal. ^.^

yay! I finally looked at the sky again. FOr some reason, I was on my front porch and looked to the sky expecting something incredible, as If I were lucid, even though I don’t beleive I was. It was a normal sky, but I looked around and saw a cloud resembling a Phoenix flying/falling at a 45 degree angle to the ground. It was magnificent. ^.^

My stomach hurts.

The sky is my all time favourite thing, especially at night. Tripping out at the sky brings me to a state of nirvana, I’ve defintily got to look at the sky in a lucid dream because i know my mind would make it extremely beautiful.
