Counting Fingers

Heyu guys,

How do you do the counting fingers RC



I think all you do is count how many fingers you have because sometimes in dreams people have more than 5 fingers. You can also do the usual question of “am i dreaming?”

I took a look at my hand last night (was already lucid) and it looked really small and misfigured. So yeh, counting isn’t always needed :content:

But yes, basicly its counting if you still have 5 fingers on your hand.

Counting Fingers never works for me, in my dreams everything is normal (usually) but for those who have these odities it’s a great way to jump into Lucidity.

Yes thats the same for me…usually.
You see once i had a weird dream. I was in Japan chasing around some very important guy but i don’t remember why. Well the weird thing about it was that i was pregnant, even though i’m male (see the smilie in the left hand bar <–) this was definately a first for me. I wonder if anyone else has been pregnant in a dream before. Maybe we should do the measure your stomach RC.

If I were you I would NOT use counting fingers as your only technique! It’s great for stabilising dreams and making sure that it’s a dream after a different RC, but don’t rely on it. I made this mistake and am trying to convince my selfconcious not to count fingers, but do a different reality check, because counting fingers has failed me many a time!

but if you are to use counting fingeres often, dont expect to have 5 fingers or normal fingers…

Hey Dreamers,

Thanks for your replies!



I just wanted to let everyone know that I did some research on the counting fingers technique a while ago.

I remember someone on the forum asking if one can count fingers by feeling them, rather than looking at them. And that’s what I did in an LD of mine, I could actually feel that I had six fingers on my left hand. This is very useful when you are in a dark room (like your bedroom :smile: ) or cannot see your hands for some reason.

Sometimes having more than 5 fingers isn’t the only odd thing you would notice about your hand in a dream. I’ve been using this as my handy RC to become lucid everytime so far and almost every time I look at my hand, I have 5 fingers but they are distorted, misshapen, and wavy like jello. One time I looked down to see a black hole in my hand O_o. Another thing you can try is to check for a scar or birthmark on your hand and it might not be there in a dream.

Do the nose RC check. Hold your nose and try to breathe. If you can breathe your dreaming. This has NEVER failed me.

Wow i like that one and if ur firmly convinced that your dreaming but your not youll eventually keel over and die. J/K actually I love that idea.

the counting fingers technique is the one i use to always get lucid because it always works for me. every time i’ve gone lucid, its always been because ive had more fingers than usual

but i guess everybody is different. you have to find what works best for you.