pulled this off another message board

Nice to know I’m normal!
red hammer

Knew it already, but the first time I did it I also got “red hammer”. Btw, the counting is just to make sure you answer spontaneous, it also works if you don´t do any calculations beforehand

What is suppoused to happen if you do that storytelling?


I got a green trowel!?? Oh well. :smile:

Thats funny I saw a screwdriver in my mind and the color blue. Then it quickly switched to a saw instead of a srewdriver.

TechnoDreamer, What that supossed to do? Do you see you friend as a different color or something?

I got a red spanner instead.

I got a red spanner.

My first answer was blue… but I changed it to [b]red hammer[/b].

So I guess I’m normal? :tongue:

I have seen heard this, been going around my school since like 4th grade :smile: I think i had red hammer when i first heard this…

EDIT: Heres a slightly diffrent one:
Say “silk” 30 times fast.
Go on…

I’m waiting…


What do cows drink?

Milk you say?

Wrong, Cows drink water!

(The only acception is baby cows, they drink milk :content: )

Hey Clark, it’s funny how me and you thought of the exact same thing!



Man, Neo, you got me! I was like silk silk silk silk… then answered it with milk. Duh. :tongue:

:grin: Theres a bunch like that…
theres one, it wont work here cuz you see the spelling…
A: What does C-o-a-s-t spell?
B: Coast
A: What about R-o-a-s-t?
B: Roast
A: And b-o-a-s-t?
B: Boast.
A. Quick! What do you put in the toaster???
B: Toast!
A: shoots B in the foot WRONG! You put bread in! Toast comes out!

Hehehe, that’s a cute one. I gotta try that with my sister. :content:

Yes yes shooting people in the foot is very cute, and should try it with your sister :wink:
I recently heard i pretty funny one:
"So theres these three hookers right? And the pimp comes up to the first one and says ‘wheres my $500?’ she says ‘but you said $300!’ the pimp slaps her and says ‘BITCH DONT CORRECT ME!’ " Samething happens to the other two, and then you say "The pimp walks up to the fourth hooker and says “wheres-” Usualy whoever your telling this two will say “But you said there were only three!” Then you slap them and yell “BITCH DONT CORRECT ME!” :smile:
Im sure you could kiddy it up for your sister… um the candy collecter comes up to the candy holder and says “wheres my 5 lolipops?” ect. :cool:

EDIT: 1 away from 500!

Red wrench for me.

I’ll have to try that pimp joke out on some one.

That’s a good one Neo!

Hilarious but size=75[/size]

We should have a “dirty” jokes thread. Or just a jokes thread…

We have a jokes thread that was started by DM7
Lol maybe big jokes discussion

I got a red power drill. And milk and toast.

i got a yellow wrench