Do DC's seem startled when you become lucid?

I’ve had this happen a couple times now. Once, when I became lucid, 2 of the 3 DC’s in the room said “Uh oh!” and just scurried off (vanished?).

Then in this mornings LD, I was sitting at a table and as soon as I became aware, several DC’s seemed to be uneasy as soon as I knew I was dreaming.


Usually I become focused on doing some LD experiment or flying or something and the dream characters just kind of dissapear. But I’ve had several arguments with dream characters where they try to convince me that I’m not dreaming… which I always find funny. It’s funny to have an argument with an aspect of your own mind. I’ve also had them turn into like empty zombie objects that don’t interact with me, as if I know it’s pointless to talk to myself (not that it’s truely pointless, but sometimes I feel that way when I’m talking to dream characters).

For me they should be startled, cause that means that they have about 15 seconds left to live!

I remember flying around, and a building full of people were staring at me in amazement, so yes, they were startled.

I can’t say that they are startled or not. I never really pay attention. Most of the times when I become lucid I’m alone. I always manage to talk myself out of it when I’m with someone. I mean, they tell me I’m not dreaming and I believe them.

BTW. Did you make your own Avatar? If so what program did you use? Is that 3D or 2D?

for me its exactly the opposite, they seem very welcoming, once they tried to fight me though. But usually, when i become lucid and am about to leave, the dcs call for me to come back and stay.


I found that avatar somewhere out there… I was immediately attracted to it.

Hey Space Wrangler,

It happens quite often, (I pick up a lot of stories from the forum). DC getting angry or scared when you become lucid, or suddenly freeze. Etc.

There isn´t much you can do about this. But you could try using your ´powers´ on them and make them less scared etc.



Well, mine don´t exactly behave startled, but they also change when I become lucid. Also, there seem to be less DCs around in my LDs than usually.

More discussion how DC behaviour changes in LDs:

My DC’s seem eerily complacent. It’s always as if they are in a trance.

DutchThor… good tip. Once when it happened, I told the remaining DC that the others didn’t have to leave and that I loved them. Maybe that will help me in the future.

Yeah, I also often find that most of the DC’s seem startled or scared of me. Just in like half of my LD’s, though. Sometimes just no one wants you around… its odd. Maybe its your brain’s “rebellion” to you defying the normal laws of the mind when its dreaming. Just doesn’t want you lucid. Suppose that theory has been thrown around though… Seems like I’ve seen it…

SpaceWrangler, wow, you have the same location as me… thats crazy, the UP has such a small amount of people, especially when compared to the worlds population. Weird.

Where in the UP are you? I’m in Marquette… the big city… ha ha

This morning, the DC’s didn’t seem to concerned with my lucidity. In fact, a couple times they called my name and asked me to wave if I can hear their thoughts…

Space Wrangler, i like your avatar, very nice one!

nope i never have that…i can raise heavy elemental storms and my dc’s dont even notice it much lol…i can do the weirdest thing at a disco full of dc’s but they act like it is as normal as an applepie on friday! :smile:

Must say that it changes when i have coloured lds, then dc’s indeed interact more with me, but in non rem black and white ones they dont react much at me being in the dream and doing what ever i do.


Spacewrangler, this is very strange. I’m in Marquette, too. I think I joined almost exactly a month before you did, too… another odd coincidence. The chances of us both being from marquette is about 1 in 300,000. I’m such a dork for figuring that out. Are you by chance going to the university? Well, anyways, enjoy the forum… its a great resource.

Had a very short moment of lucidity last night, but the only thing I saw was a peculiar looking DC just staring at me. He must have been very interested. I was going to experiment with him and see how he reacted, but didnt have the time. In my dreams, they’re either intensely interested in me, hate me, or just want to ruin my dream. By the way, that was MILD induced.

Happy dreaming

I think it would be very useful if we could convince our dream characters to TELL us we were dreaming, show us a clock, etc, instead of trying to hinder our progress.
I’ve never had any DC tell me I was not dreaming, but I’ve never had any tell me I was dreaming either. I mean, what ARE they good for?? Sounds like they’re just slacking off. :smile:

  • feed_my_BRAIN

I had both:
DCs telling me that I was dreaming and DCs telling me that I was not dreaming.
Second happened several times, the first case only once after a FA. I told a woman I just had an amazing LD, and she answered “but you are still dreaming” :eek:

I very much like the idea of asking DCs for help with lucidity, but so far I hadn´t had much success. Still believe in it, though.
There was some discussion about it a few weeks ago, just search for LILD (lucidity initiated lucid dream)


THAT is awesome. :smile:

Did you believe her?
A friend told me that they had a DC try and convince them that were dreaming and they wouldn’t believe them. I wonder if that DC ever talked to him again?
If you think about it, interactions between DCs are just as real as interaction with people in external reality. We believe that DCs don’t have thought of their own, but then again, we can’t even prove that with regular people!
I can’t prove to you that I think. Only that I can type.

  • feed_my_BRAIN

I often get these strange thoughts when walking through a crowd, or driving along a street… do all these many other people have a destination, a family, problems, wishes? Do they all have their own little worlds, things that are to them as important as some things are to me? It seems like it´s obvious, but it always seems so strange when I really realize it.

back on topic:

Yes, I believed her, but it was probably the most shocking getting-lucid in my life. For a split second I was like “that can´t be true”, but I already knew inside, and the very next moment it felt a little bit like my whole reality, all that I believed in, was shattered. I went lucid and immediately started to fly upwards, through the floors of my house. After some seconds I awoke.
I should add, it was the first real lucid dream I had (apart from my low-level childhood nightmares)


My DC tend to either disappear or avoid subjects that have anything to do with LD, that is untill I force them.

In my LD, the DCs seemed very quiet when it first happened. They all just looked at me, I asked one for “services” and she said, “Yeah, sure”.

When my scene morphed into a shopping mall, everybody was talking normally, except the shop assistants, who chewed gum and looked at me. :bored: