
Hey, I aint new to LDs but I believe I have two problems about dreaming in general which effects my ld’s. First off, pretty much every dream I realise I am dreaming but instead of using it to my advantage, trying things out, thinking about what to do. I seem to rush and do the first thing that comes to my mind, which is usually somthing crap and end up hell bent on doing that one thing all night. Its really annoying because I want to stop and look around, actually think and not rush like ‘omg I am dreaming quick lets do this’ but just sit and enjoy the amazing plains created by my mind can anyone help me with this, I realise doing this every night prevents me from having a real LD and I really want to be able to say I have experianced it.
Second, lol -sorry for long post-
All of my dreams are boring as HELL.
I used to do things all the time in dreams, they had story lines. I would wake up thinking ‘wow that was amazing, I wonder if I can go back tonight’ but now its like ‘uhh what a CRAP dream’. At the moment I dream about stuff like making my bin (or trash can) float around the room, it makes me WANT to wake up, and I shouldnt feel like that.

Heh long post, wonder if you guys can help me :smile:?

I haven’t had any true LDs yet, so I can’t personally relate to this, but I have a theory. LaBerge, in EWLD, says that recurring nightmares are probably caused when a person has more than one nightmare with similar themes, and then they subconsciously come to expect to dream about it even more, so they do. This might be a similar case. By now, you just expect this to happen in your dreams, so it does happen.

Unfortunately, his solution doesn’t work in this context, because his solution, of course, is to actually face the nightmare lucidly, and that would be basically irrelevant to your problem even if it didn’t involve being lucid in the first place.

I don’t know if this would be the best solution, but what immediately came to my mind was self-hypnosis. That can cause you to “believe” almost anything you want to believe, so maybe you could do self-hypnosis with a message something like “When I realize I’m dreaming, I always remain calm, and I think about what I want to do before I do anything.” This might help.

Have you tried Brainwave Generator? There are several lucid presets, but since you already can realize you’re dreaming, you don’t need those. There’s a built-in self-hypnosis one that someone claims made them find boring homework really enjoyable, so there must be some merit to it :smile:

Actually, I don’t know if self-hypnosis is overkill for something like this, or if my theory is even right. It’s really just an educated guess, but it may be worth a shot.

Oh, and your post wasn’t really that long :tongue:

I know what you’re talking about, when you expect the LD not to last long, you want to hurry up and get in your activity quickly before it’s over. The only way to prevent rushing is to gain some confidence in your ability to remain in the dream. You need to relax, do some stabilization techniques, and not even think about the dream ending.

Also, the next time you start an LD, say “Stop!” out loud, stand still and take in the enviroment. Remember that the next time you gain lucidity you will say the word “Stop” and stand still for a while, thinking about what you want to do. This might help your hazy dream-ego realise that you want to literally stop for a while in your dream.

Alright, cheers guys

Carlos Castanada in ‘The Art of Dreaming’ talks about the danger of obsessing on one thing in the dream and getting stuck on it, dont know if it’s the same thing, just a thought.

Thats exactly what it is,
Its like, I cant prevent it. I am no longer in control, I am not doing what I would want to do when thinking about it before sleeping, its like a trap.

scince you belive that the dream will vanish soon, so much that you struggle to what to do, that your dream probably DOES go really fast. jsut becasue you beleive it will. so what you should do, is try and make yourself beleive that this is not true… err, when you find a way to get to that, tell me :content:

the only way i can think of is get some actual facts taht your dream has lots of time or somehitng relevent to that, jsut so that your suconscious gets some actually food for fact

Well… Tonight, in an LD, I tried doing that. And it turned out to be the longest LD I have had so far! :wink:

First of all, I was careful not to worry about how much time I had left, and stood completely still at some times. Then as I walked, I walked extremely slowly, one foot at the time. I put extra weight on every step, and felt the impact of my foot hitting the ground on every step. And it really worked. The LD seemed to never end! Try that, everyone :happy:

Congrates!!! see, patience brings much :happy:

I intend to :cool:

That’s more or less what I do. The best way to prevent yourself from waking up, is to stay as closely attached to the dream world as possible, which means persistently concentrating on each of your senses. The moment you stop focusing on the dream world, it starts to fade. If you let this happen without correcting it for a few minutes, you’ll begin to wake up.

I have something of a default routine for when I become lucid now, and it makes for a much more enjoyable experience. Firstly, I stop what I was doing in the previous ND (after the point of realization), and just LOOK. I pay attention to where I am, and I look around at the environment until everything is perfectly clear. It was actually about a year into my training that I discovered that I hadn’t yet reached the potential of how clear and realistic things can appear if I just spend some time building it up. After a minute or so, and when every sense is so finely tuned to the dream world, I think for a moment about what I want to achieve.

Take it slow, and build up a decent level of control before you do anything – that’s the key.